Shfletimi si vizitorë është i kufizuar



Kush ma vodhi diturinë !
Hajdeni nxirreni koken djema vajza mos kini turp
ej une bej tifo eh...skam provuar nga nje here :D...bej tifo meqe spaska shume tifoza :D
hahaha kush o mer devil un jom hapsi temes mer plak un jom njishi ktu:droge:
hard mire se na vjen dhe ja kalofsh sa me bukur ketu se mos te behesh tifoz dhe ti pastaj
si ju kam juve te barit..
Mire fare plako
ku ma ke gjermonin
se ke mor me vete te grupi
do ta sjelli edhe gjermonin se eshte merakli i barit hahhahaha
bianca po flasim per bar jo cigare cigarja demton bari te shto jeten xhebrail pse ti jo eeeeeeeee hahhaha lene lene mos me bo me fol
aman flit ore jajajajaa
ngaapak te nevojitet per qetesim
Mos pini droge, nuk ka per te gjithe LOL
My name is Cocaine - call me Coke for short.
I entered this country without a passport.
Ever since then I've made lots of scum rich.
Some have been murdered and found in a ditch.
I'm more valued than diamonds, more treasured than gold.
Use me just once and you too will be sold.
I'll make a schoolboy forget his books.
I'll make a beauty queen forget her looks.
I'll take renowned speaker and make a bore.
I'll take a mother and make her a whore.
I'll make a schoolteacher forget how to teach.
I'll make a preacher not want to preach.
I'll take all your rent money and you'll get evicted.
I'll murder your babies or they'll be born addicted.
I'll make you rob and steal and kill.
When you're under my power you have no will.
Remember my friend my name is " Big C ".
If you try me just one time you may never be free.
I've destroyed actors, politicians and many a hero.
I've decreased bank accounts from millions to zero.
I make shooting and stabbing a common affair.
Once I take charge you won't have a prayer.
Now that you know me what will you do ?
You'll have to decide, It's all up to you.
The day you agree to sit in my saddle.
The decision is one that no one can straddle.
Listen to me, and please listen well.
When you ride with cocaine you are headed for hell !!!
Car thu ti re te gjej una sa te ikesh per lesh po deshe pini pini se droga ta shto jeten po ta pish me orar te sheron dhe nga tumorret dhe kanceri
qia jeten ca grupi qeka ky ktu qeka per mos me dal mo ju pershendes me kete foton time NO COMENT
Hahahahh ne kemi dhon rezultat plako ej mos me bej cit chat se do ti fshi postimet hahhah kush do na boj i cigare bar me lali e du nga ai i lazaratit
hiiiiii.... nga kush e kam nderin qe ta falenderoj qe me beri muve ftesen ketu??????? uuueeee sa kohe paska kjo faqe e hapur, po si nuk e paskam vene re unaaaaa....... kush ma boni ftesen qe ta puth i cik ne ball......hahahahahahaa
mire se ju gjeta dhe mire se po rrini cuna & goca......
Simas teje kush ta boni ta ka bo njoni qe spi kto gjera simas teje kush eshet kiss
ku jeni o djema ka na njoni na i cigare tja niqim tromen te ikim icik per lesh
hahahha kush me jep nje tim,,,
Car do ti re tim car o ky operator telefonik ??
Tym hahhahaha
O xhebrail te jap un tym sa te dush vetem mos na ikesh per lesh re se me kan thon qe ti bohesh tape kollaj fare
hahahha po burre jo haha hashashi ka kohe qe po kerkon goje se spo e pi mo njeri ;):)
hi. tym tym tym...... uaua kjo fotoja sa e madheeeee,,,,yyyyy me pelqeka, ajo vec me tym te heq kaptinen jo me me e pi.....
hajt kalo njihere nga lagjia ime dhe shife ca behet me hashashin ,,kane fillu kta kalamajt ta shesin per me fitu lek
o shantal ku e ke shpin ti ri????

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Binte shi

    Votat: 5 35.7%
  • Vajza e detit

    Votat: 1 7.1%
  • Vajza me pallton rozë

    Votat: 2 14.3%
  • Orëndreqësi

    Votat: 6 42.9%