Tekstet me te bukura ne gjuhe te huaja.

Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer

I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in the moment this order's tall

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind
And in the morning I'll be with you
But it will be a different kind
And I'll be holding all the tickets
And you'll be owning all the fines

Come on skinny love, what happened here?
Suckle on the hope in light brassieres
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Sullen load is full, so slow on the split

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind
And now all your love is wasted
And then who the hell was I?
And I'm breaking at the britches
And at the end of all your lines

Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?

Origjinale nga Bon Iver.

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Dhe nje reinterpretim nga Birdy.

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"The Promise" (Tracy Chapman)

If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you
Although I've traveled far
I always hold a place for you in my heart

If you think of me
If you miss me once in awhile
Then I'll return to you
I'll return and fill that space in your heart

Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
I'll find my way back to you
If you'll be waiting

If you dream of me
Like I dream of you
In a place that's warm and dark
In a place where I can feel the beating of your heart

Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
I'll find my way back to you
If you'll be waiting

I've longed for you
And I have desired
To see your face your smile
To be with you wherever you are

Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
I'll find my way back to you
Please say you'll be waiting

Together again
It would feel so good to be in your arms
Where all my journeys end
If you can make a promise
If it's one that you can keep
I vow to come for you
If you wait for me

And say you'll hold
A place for me in your heart.

A place for me in your heart. [3x]
Σωμάτων του το καλοκαιριου
Ὢ σῶμα τοΰ καλοκαιριου γυμναι καμένου
Φαγωμένος από το λάδι και από την άλατη
Σώμα του βράχου και του ῥσιγο της καρδίας
Μεγάλη συμπλήρωση της κόμης λυγαριάς
Ο βασιλικός πάνω από το σγουρνο αφηραίος
Γεμάτο άστρακια και τα πεύκοβελόνες
Η μέση βαθμός του χρόνου!

Ἡλικία τῆς γλαυκῆς θύμησης
Ἐλαιῶνες κι ἀμπέλια μακριὰ ὡς τὴ θάλασσα
Κόκκινες ψαρόβαρκες μακριὰ ὡς τὴ θύμηση
Ἔλυτρα χρυσὰ τοῦ Αὐγούστου στὸν μεσημεριάτικο ὕπνο
Μὲ φύκια ἢ ὄστρακα. Κι ἐκεῖνο τὸ σκάφος
Φρεσκοβγαλμένο, πράσινο, ποὺ διαβάζεις ἀκόμη
στὴν εἰρήνη τὸν κόλπου τῶν νερῶν ἔχει ὁ Θεός.

Περάσανε τὰ χρόνια φύλλα ἢ βότσαλα
Θυμᾶμαι τὰ παιδόπουλα τοὺς ναῦτες ποὺ ἔφευγαν
Βάφοντας τὰ πανιὰ σὰν τὴν καρδιά τους
Τραγουδοῦσαν τὰ τέσσερα σημεῖα τοῦ ὁρίζοντα.
Κι εἶχαν ζωγραφιστοὺς βοριάδες μὲς στὰ στήθια.

Τί γύρευα ὅταν ἔφτασες βαμμένη ἀπ᾿ τὴν ἀνατολὴ τὸν ἥλιου
Μὲ τὴν ἡλικία τῆς θάλασσας στὰ μάτια
Καὶ μὲ τὴν ὑγεία τὸν ἥλιου στὸ κορμὶ - τί γύρευα
Βαθιὰ στὶς θαλασσοσπηλιὲς μὲς στὰ εὐρύχωρα ὄνειρα
Ὅπου ἄφριζε τὰ αἰσθήματά του ὁ ἄνεμος;
Ἄγνωστος καὶ γλαυκὸς χαράζοντας στὰ στήθια μου
τὸ πελαγίσιο του ἔμβλημα.
Μὲ τὴν ἄμμο στὰ δάχτυλα ἔκλεινα τὰ δάχτυλα
Μὲ τὴν ἄμμο στὰ μάτια ἔσφιγγα τὰ δάχτυλα
Ἦταν ἡ ὀδύνη

Θυμᾶμαι ἦταν Ἀπρίλης ὅταν ἔνιωθα πρώτη
φορᾶ τὸ ἀνθρώπινο βάρος σου.
Τὸ ἀνθρώπινο σῶμα σου πηλὸ κι ἁμαρτία
Ὅπως τὴν πρώτη μέρα μας στὴ γῆ.
Γιόρταζαν οἱ ἀμαρυλλίδες - Μὰ θυμᾶμαι πόνεσες
Ἤτανε μία βαθιὰ δαγκωματιὰ στὰ χείλια
Μία βαθιὰ νυχιὰ στὸ δέρμα κατὰ κεῖ ποὺ
χαράζεται παντοτινὰ ὁ χρόνος.

Σ᾿ ἄφησα τότες
Καὶ μία βουερὴ πνοὴ σήκωσε τ᾿ ἄσπρα σπίτια
Τ᾿ ἄσπρα αἰσθήματα φρεσκοπλυμένα ἐπάνω
Στὸν οὐρανὸ ποὺ φώτιζε μ᾿ ἕνα μειδίαμα.
Τώρα θά ῾χω σιμά μου ἕνα λαγήνι ἀθάνατο νερό
Θά ῾χω ἕνα σχῆμα λευτεριᾶς ἀνέμου ποὺ κλονίζει
Κι ἐκεῖνα τὰ χέρια σου ὅπου θὰ τυραννιέται ὁ ἔρωτας
Κι ἐκεῖνο τὸ κοχύλι σου ὅπου θ᾿ ἀντηχεῖ τὸ Αἰγαῖο.

Ὁ μικρὸς Ναυτίλος
Ὅτι μπόρεσα ν᾿ ἀποχτήσω μία ζωὴ ἀπὸ πράξεις ὁρατὲς γιὰ ὅλους, ἑπομένως νὰ κερδίσω τὴν ἴδια μου διαφάνεια, τὸ χρωστῶ σ᾿ ἕνα εἶδος εἰδικοῦ θάρρους ποὺ μοῦ ῾δωκεν ἡ Ποίηση: νὰ γίνομαι ἄνεμος γιὰ τὸ χαρταετὸ καὶ χαρταετὸς γιὰ τὸν ἄνεμο, ἀκόμη καὶ ὅταν οὐρανὸς δὲν ὑπάρχει.

Δὲν παίζω μὲ τὰ λόγια. Μιλῶ γιὰ τὴν κίνηση ποὺ ἀνακαλύπτει κανεὶς νὰ σημειώνεται μέσα στὴ «στιγμή» ὅταν καταφέρει νὰ τὴν ἀνοίξει καὶ νὰ τῆς δώσει διάρκεια. Ὁπόταν, πραγματικά, καὶ ἡ Θλίψις γίνεται Χάρις καὶ ἡ Χάρις Ἄγγελος· ἡ Εὐτυχία Μοναχὴ καὶ ἡ Μοναχὴ Εὐτυχία.

μὲ λευκές, μακριὲς πτυχὲς πάνω ἀπὸ τὸ κενὸ ἕνα κενὸ γεμάτο σταγόνες πουλιῶν, αὖρες βασιλικοῦ καὶ συριγμοὺς ὑπόκωφου Παραδείσου.

Η πορτοκαλένια
Τόσο πολύ τη μέθυσε ο χυμός του ήλιου
που έγειρε το κεφάλι της και δέχτηκε να γίνει,
σιγά-σιγά: η μικρή Πορτοκαλένια!

Eτσι καθώς γλαυκόλαμψαν οι εφτά ουρανοί,
έτσι καθώς αγγίξαν μια φωτιά τα κρύσταλλα,
έτσι καθώς αστραψανε χελιδονοουρές,
σάστησαν πάνω οι άγγελοι και κάτω οι κοπελιές,
σάστησαν πάνω οι πελαργοί και κάτω τα παγόνια,
κι όλα μαζί συνάχτηκάν κι όλα μαζί την είδαν,
κι όλα μαζί τη φώναξαν: Πορτοκαλένια!
Μεθάει το κλήμα κι ο σκορπιός, μεθάει ο κόσμος όλος,
όμως της μέρας η κεντιά τον πόνο δεν αφήνει.
Τη λέει ο νάνος ερωδιός μέσα στα σκουληκάκια,
τη λέει ο χτύπος του νερού μες στις χρυσοστιγμές,
τη λέει κ' η δρόσο στου καλού βοριά το απανωχείλι:

-Σήκω μικρή, μικρή, μικρή πορτοκαλένια!
Oπως σε ξέρει το φιλί κανένας δεν σε ξέρει.
Μήτε σε ξέρει ο γελαστός θεός,
που με το χέρι του ανοιχτό στη φλογερή αντηλιά
γυμνή σε δείχνει στους τριανταδυό ανέμους!

Ο Φυλλομάντης
Aπόψε βράδυ Aυγούστου οχτώ
Nαυαγισμένο στα ρηχά των άστρων
Tο παλιό μου σπίτι με τα σαμιαμίθια
Kαι το χυμένο το κερί στο κομοδίνο επάνω
Πόρτες παράθυρα ανοιχτά
Tο παλιό μου σπίτι αδειάζοντας
Φορτίο της ερημιάς μέσα στη νύχτα·

Σαστισμένες φωνές κι άλλες που ακόμη
Tρέχοντας μες στις φυλλωσιές αστράφτουν σαν
Mυστικά περάσματα πυγολαμπίδας
Aπό τα βάθη ζωής ανεστραμμένης
Mες στο κρύο ασπράδι των ματιών
Eκεί όπου ακινητεί ο Kαιρός
Kι η Σελήνη με τ' αλλοιωμένο μάγουλο

Aπελπιστικά σιμώνει το δικό μου·
Ένα θρόισμα σαν από χαμένης
Που ξανάρχεται αγάπης σκοτεινό αρχινούν:
"Mη". Kι ύστερα πάλι "Mη". "Mωρό μου".
"Tι σού 'μελλε", "Mια μέρα θα το θυμηθείς".
"Παιδί παιδάκι με τα καστανά μαλλιά".
"Eγώ που σ' αγαπώ". "Πες πάντα". "Πάντα".

Κοι όπως μέσα στην απληστία του μαύρου
Που ανοίγει στα δύο περιβολίου
Σβήνεται ο άνθρακας
Πάει και καταποντίζεται όλο το σου έχει
Ανεβείτε από την ψυχή της θάλασσας
Κούμα θολό που οι κύστεις είναι
Άλλοι τόσα παλιές ηλιοβασιλέματα

Τα παράθυρα τρεμούνται στο φως της εσπερίνας
Μία στιγμή που προπέρασες την ευτυχία
Σαν τραγούδι όπου κρυβόταν μήπως το δουν Της
καρδιάς για σένα ένα κορίτσι -
Όλα της αγκάλιας τα ιερά του ορκου
Τίποτα τίποτα δεν πήγε έχασε
Τετάρτη βράδυ Αυγούστου οκτώ

Mέσ 'απ' τη χλώρη του βυθού και πάλι
για να ίδιο εκείνο ατέρμονο ανατρίχιασμα
Mονολογεί και συνθροεί τα φύλλα
Mονολογεί στην αραμαϊκή του απόκοσμου:
"παιδάκι ΜΕ Παιδί ΤΑ καστανά Μαλλιά
ΣΟΥ«μελλε να χαθείς εδώ για να σωθείς μακριά".
"ΣΟΥ 'μελλε να χάσει εδώ για να σωθείς μακριά".

Kι αξαφνα σαν τα προηγούμενα και τα μετά τα είδωμένα ·
Βατές όλες τις θάλασσες με τα λουλούδια
Μόνος αλλ 'όχι μόνος · όπως πάντα ·
Όπως τότε νέος που προχώρησα
Με κενή την θέση στα δεξιά μου
Και ψηλά μ' ακολουθούσε ο Βέγας
Τον ερωτό μου όλοι Πολιούχος.

Odisea Eliti
You're gonna meet some strangers.
Welcome to the zoo.
Bitter disappointments.
Except for one or two.
Some of them are angry.
Some of them are mean.
Most of them are twisted.
Few of them are clean.
Now when you go dancing with
Young men down at the disco.
Just keep it simple.
You don't have to kiss though.
Don't waste time whit the idiots
Think that they're heroes.
They will betray you.
Stick with us weirdos.
For all your days and nights
I'm gonna be there,
I'm gonna be there,
Yes I will.
Go gentle through your life.
If you want me I'll be there.
When you need me I'll be there
For you.
Don't try to make them love you.
Don't answer every call.
Baby be a giant.
Let the world be small.
Some of them are deadly.
Some don't let it show.
If they try and hurt you.
Just let your daddy know.
Now when you go giving your heart make
Sure they deserve it.
If they haven't earned it.
Keep searching, it's worth it.
For all your days and nights
I'm gonna be there,
I'm gonna be there,
Yes I will.
Go gentle through your life.
If you want me I'll be there.
When you need me I'll be there
For you.
Go gentle to the light.
I'm gonna be there,
I'm gonna be there,
Yes I will.
If all your days are nights
When you want me I'll be there.
Say my name and I'll be there
For you.
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Why do I deserve the science to feel better about you?
At a loss I lost my cool
I denied that I found you
I tried to be a basket case
I did not surprise you
I'm trying to find a signal fire
Let me know when I should move
But you, amplified in the silence
Justified in the way you make me bruise
Magnified in the science
Anatomically proved that you don't need me
Why do I desire the space?
I was mourning after you
I was lost and lost my shape
There was nothing I could do
I don't want to waste away
It was all I gave to you
Take me back and take my place
I will rise right up for you
But you, amplified in the silence
Justified in the way you make me bruise
Magnified in the science
Anatomically proved that you don't need me
All the while you waste away, you're asking
"Did I really need another one to take me down?"
Everybody knows it's something that you had to live with darling
Nobody's gonna tear you down now
There is nothing you keep, there is only your reflection
There was nothing but quiet retractions
And families pleading, "Don't look in that cabinet,
There's far more bad than there's good, I don't know how it got there"
That was something your father had burned in me
Twenty hours out of Homestake eternity
"You can go anywhere but you are where you came from"
Little girl you are cursed by my ancestry
There is nothing but darkness and agony
I can not only see, but you stopped me from blinking
Let me watch you as close as a memory
Let me hold you above all the misery
Let me open my eyes and be glad that I got here
Midnight Sky
Miley Cyrus

La-la, la-la, la
Yeah, it's been a long night and the mirror's tellin' me to go home (home)
But it's been a long time since I felt this good on my own
Uh, lotta years went by with my hands tied up in your ropes
Forever and ever, no more
The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'
Head high up in the clouds
I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you
See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talking now, baby
Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you (loved by you)
La-la, la-la, la
She got her hair pulled back 'cause the sweat's drippin' off of her face (her face)
Said it ain't so bad if I wanna make a couple mistakes
You should know right now that I never stay put in one place
Forever and ever, no more (no more)
The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'
Head high up in the clouds
I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you
See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talking now, baby
Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
I don't hide blurry eyes like you
Like you
I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, you know
I don't need to be loved by you
See his hands 'round my waist, thought you'd never be replaced, baby
Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
I don't need to be loved by you, yeah
La-la, la-la, la
You know it's true
You know it's true
(Loved by you)


Dua Lipa

You call me all friendly
Tellin' me how much you miss me
That's funny, I guess you've heard my songs
Well, I'm too busy for your business
Go find a girl who wants to listen
'Cause if you think I was born yesterday, you have got me wrong
So I cut you off
I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done
I've been movin' on since we said goodbye
I cut you off
I don't need your love
So you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why
You say you're sorry, but it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a fuck
I remember that weekend
When my best friend caught you creepin'
You blamed it all on the alcohol
So I made my decision
'Cause you made your bed, sleep in it
Play the victim and switch your position
I'm through, I'm done
So I cut you off
I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done
I've been movin' on since we said goodbye
I cut you off
I don't need your love
So you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why
You say you're sorry, but it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a fuck
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a fuck
You say you're sorry, but it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a fuck
About you
(Boy, I don't give a fuck)
(Boy, I don't give a fuck)
About you
(Verse 1]
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

[Verse 2]
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Rođena s vukovima​

Nek laju u inat dušmanima
Što gore u zlobi od vatre i dima
Želim da te držim za ruku pred svima
A sve ih zanima moja intima

I neću nikome da se pravdam
A svakom ću reci u lice šta imam
Na meni koplja da lome i vatra se gasi
Jer ja sam jaka, rođena s vukovima

Menjam pijuna za kralja
Budim se iz dugog zimskog sna
Svi moji bivši kad se skupe
Nisu ti do kolena
I neka pričaju i pišu
Kako ostavljam
Mlađega i lepšeg zbog
Čoveka tvojih godina

Menjam pijuna za kralja
Budim se iz dugog zimskog sna
I kao da sam ceo život
Samo tebe čekala
I šta se koga tiče, moja stvar je
S kim sam spavala
Svako neka sebi bira
Ja sam sebi birala

Angels like you​

Flowers in hand, waiting for me
Every word in poetry
Won't call me by name, only "Baby"
The more that you give the less that I need
Everyone says I look happy
When it feels right

I know that you're wrong for me
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
It's not your fault I ruin everything
And it's not your fault I can't be what you need
Baby, angels like you can't fly down here with me
I'm everything they said I would be
I'm everything they said I would be

I'll put you down slow, love you, goodbye
Before you let go, just one more time
Take off your clothes, pretend that it's fine
A little more hurt won't kill you
Tonight mother says "You don't look happy"
Close your eyes

I know that you're wrong for me
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
It's not your fault I ruin everything
And it's not your fault I can't be what you need
Baby, angels like you can't fly down here with me
I'm everything they said I would be

Oh, ah, ah

I know that you're wrong for me
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
It's not your fault I ruin everything
And it's not your fault I can't be what you need
Baby, angels like you can't fly down here with me, oh-oh
Angels like you can't fly down hell with me

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View: https://youtu.be/Y0ORhLyJWuc
@Desa :)

Zivot ide dalje
zivot brzo prolazi
(Jeta vazhdon me tej/tutje
jeta kalon shume shpejt)

ali osjecam da
to vise nisi ti, a ni ja....
(Por e ndjej qe
ti nuk je me ajo e para, por as une...)

Mozda bi i mogli
pokusati ponovo
(Ndoshta edhe mundeshim
ta provonim edhe nje here sebashku)

al' bojim se da
ovaj put gotovo....
(Por druhem/kam frike se
kete here gjithcka ka mbaruar midis nesh)

Al' samo ti
mi ubrzavas disanje
(Por vetem ti,
ma pershpejton frymarrjen-emocionon)

jer se ja, jos uvijek
palim na tebe...
(Sepse une, akoma ndoshta
ndizem ende prej teje!)


Ako su to samo bile lazi
lazimo se bar jos malo
(Nqs, te gjitha ato kane qene genjeshtra
le te genjehemi , te pakten edhe per pak...)

ako su to samo bile varke
varajmo se, varajmo....
(Nqs te gjitha ato kane qene mashtrime
Le te mashtrohemi ende, le te mashtrohemi ende....)

Zivot ide dalje
zivot brzo prolazi
al' osjecam da
to vise nisi ti, a ni ja..

Ljubavi i mrznje
tesko je preskociti zid
(Dashuria dhe urrejtja....
veshtire ta kapercesh kete mur)

al' bojim se da
dobar smo par, bili mi...
(Por sidoqofte, kam frike se/mendoj
(neve te dy ishim nje cift i perkryer...)

Jer samo ti
mi ubrzavas disanje
jer se ja, jos uvijek
palim na tebe....!?????:)

- perktheu dhe pershtati ne shqip: Baba nga Durrsi!

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Take me to your river, baby, take me to your sea
(Me merr ne lumin tend e dashur, me merr ne detin tend)
Purify my soul an pour your ocean over me.
(Me purifiko/pastro shpirtin dhe derdh mbi te tere oqeanin tend)
Lead me to your chamber, where you sleep at night,
(Me udhehiq/merr ne dhomen e gjumit tende, ku ti fle cdo nate)
Scratch your name across my back, make me feel alright.
(Ma gerrvish emrin tend me thonj ne kurriz, me bej te ndjehem mire)

Youre the best time I have ever had,
(Ti je momenti/koha me e bukur qe une mund te kem pasur ndonjeher ne jeten time)
You look so good, oh babe, you must be bad.
(Ti dukesh kaq e embel voglushe, por duhet te jesh e keqe...)

Diamonds on your ankles, sapphires on your shoes,
(Diamante ne kaviljen tende dhe xhevahire ne kepucet e tua)
Your little gems of wisdom chase away my blues.
(peshperitjet e tua te urta, perzejne trishtimin tim)
Mamas little princess, daddys pride and joy,
(Princeshe e vogel e nenes, krenari dhe gezim i babait!)
Im like a kid at christmas, playing with your toys.
(Me duket vetja si nje femije ne Krishtlindje, qe luan me lodrat e tua!) ? ??

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Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Jeta pa ty

    Votat: 6 46.2%
  • Simfonia e bisedave tona

    Votat: 2 15.4%
  • Bora e parë

    Votat: 3 23.1%
  • Larg

    Votat: 2 15.4%