Shfletimi si vizitorë është i kufizuar



Anëtar i Nderuar
Pasioni banon tek te gjithe ne, ne gjume, ne prite. Edhe pse jo I deshiruar, i papritur, do eksitohet, do hapi nofullat e do ulerasi.
Ligjeron te gjithe ne, na udheheq. Pasioni na qeveris dhe ne I bindemi, cfare tjeter na mbetet?!
Pasioni mund te bej te vuash thellesisht, sikur te mund te jetonim pa, do njihnim sigurisht paqen, por do ishim qenie boshe,
dhoma bosh, te errta dhe te kota. Pa pasion do ishim si te vdekur.


Po a mundet ne te jetojm pa pasion? Dashuria na ben te jemi delikat, te ndjeshem, po a nuk na ben kjo njerezor?
Titulli: Pasioni!

ah sa mire..plot pergjigje qenka ketu ahahahah :sun:
Titulli: Pasioni!

A soft mist blew around them. Raindrops glistened in his hair, shimmering under the pale glow of the light post. His eyes were shadowed beneath wispy fringes, but the silver in them glinted like pools of liquid mercury. Her breath caught. It must have made a sound because his fingers tightened. His shaky exhale whispered across her face.This he whispered so quietly she almost didn’t hear him. “Is why you are so bad for me.”
Titulli: Pasioni!

A soft mist blew around them. Raindrops glistened in his hair, shimmering under the pale glow of the light post. His eyes were shadowed beneath wispy fringes, but the silver in them glinted like pools of liquid mercury. Her breath caught. It must have made a sound because his fingers tightened. His shaky exhale whispered across her face.This he whispered so quietly she almost didn’t hear him. “Is why you are so bad for me.”

ta hap icik goole translate :D
Titulli: Pasioni!

ah sa mire..plot pergjigje qenka ketu ahahahah :sun:

c'fare pret te diskutojme ne lidhje me k'te ......... pa pasion jemi te vdekur :D
Titulli: Pasioni!

Kohet e fundit kam vene re qe Zancja sla me vend pa u ekspozu,skandalizu,fotografu :P ky eshte pasjoni i vertete:pije
Titulli: Pasioni!

Mireseerdhe Pasion.

Kalo aa me bukur ketu ne FV:mendim:

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