Luajme me Tags

Members may not receive notifications for mentions for a couple of reasons:

- the member doing the mention has reached the mention alert limit set in the user group permissions
- the member being mentioned has disabled notifications for them
- editing a post and mentioning a member won't trigger a notification - it only works for new posts
- quoting a mentioned member won't trigger a notification


Members may not receive notifications for mentions for a couple of reasons:

- the member doing the mention has reached the mention alert limit set in the user group permissions
- the member being mentioned has disabled notifications for them
- editing a post and mentioning a member won't trigger a notification - it only works for new posts
- quoting a mentioned member won't trigger a notification


Rrofsh Pali! ??‍♂️
Akoma ktu ju? lol
He mos u stresoni se pune tag-u eshte:D

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Jeta pa ty

    Votat: 7 50.0%
  • Simfonia e bisedave tona

    Votat: 2 14.3%
  • Bora e parë

    Votat: 3 21.4%
  • Larg

    Votat: 2 14.3%