Kuptimi emrin tuaj ne Urban Dictionary

Mua varianti i gjate sme perputhet , ky eshte problemi , prandaj mora te shkurtrin
une e bera me gjysmen e pare tani se mu kujtua qe me therrasin disa dhe me pjesen e pare. haha

The most beautiful girl in Brazil. Sweet and kind. Beautiful and loving. The world makes a little more sense with her in it. Beware, you will fall in love with B... the moment you see her.
I adore you B....

**me kete brazilin e ka gjet, haha

e nami u befte dhe versioni i plote i emrit:

B.......... A rare, but unique name given to girls, for the most part. B........... means 'ready for war' or 'warrior woman.'

B........... is a loud but yet caring person. She has a tough time trying to think of herself as an appealing person. Her self-esteem runs low at some
points, but she loves to bring other peoples self-esteem up. She's always known as the loud and weird girl. She doesn't like to judge people before she knows them. She has a personality mix or rude, caring, funny, and outgoing. She can use all of those tributes to her advantage.

Her main asset is her ability to see or bring out the best in people. She may let people in her life a little to quickly and gets disappointed quickly. You have her trust until you do something that may make her rethink her trust for you. B.......... will only let certain people close to her.
B............ is so funny and loving

ma ka gjet apo jo? :p
une e bera me gjysmen e pare tani se mu kujtua qe me therrasin disa dhe me pjesen e pare. haha

The most beautiful girl in Brazil. Sweet and kind. Beautiful and loving. The world makes a little more sense with her in it. Beware, you will fall in love with B... the moment you see her.
I adore you B....

**me kete brazilin e ka gjet, haha

e nami u befte dhe versioni i plote i emrit:

B.......... A rare, but unique name given to girls, for the most part. B........... means 'ready for war' or 'warrior woman.'

B........... is a loud but yet caring person. She has a tough time trying to think of herself as an appealing person. Her self-esteem runs low at some
points, but she loves to bring other peoples self-esteem up. She's always known as the loud and weird girl. She doesn't like to judge people before she knows them. She has a personality mix or rude, caring, funny, and outgoing. She can use all of those tributes to her advantage.

Her main asset is her ability to see or bring out the best in people. She may let people in her life a little to quickly and gets disappointed quickly. You have her trust until you do something that may make her rethink her trust for you. B.......... will only let certain people close to her.
B............ is so funny and loving

ma ka gjet apo jo? :p
Fiks me korbe
E pyeta goglen si dhe Sirin se si e qysh, e me tha pa piken e turpit se emri im ne urban dic. kishte nje kuptim shum te bukur dmth çkoqur dhe pa dorashka me tha qe je alamet bobi, ta besoj une tani kete apo ma ka me te futur?
Beautiful girl, sometimes crazy but fun as hell to be around, loves attention, shy at times, very sweet but can be mean when she has to be. Incredibly sexy, loyal, and intelligent. Her body is to die for. She is bootylicious. Every guy seems to be drawn to her and not just because of her amazing ass-ets. She can be feisty but that's one of the many reasons why you will love her. She is easy to talk to, funny, honest, and has a beautiful smile and a big heart, definitely someone you wouldn’t want to loose.
Wow i need an a.... in my life
by Jonathon Byers March 25, 2018

A wonderful human being. Totally responsible and caring for others.
You're totally A.... .
by Sarah 123 March 11, 2011

She is so fucking pretty!! She is shy but is nice after you meet her. She always try to be in a good mood but get her mad you gon regret what you did. She got a good body!! it is bootylicious
Y'all should get you an a.....
did you see A..... walking down the halls today???
by Tribbithy May 19, 2018

A.... is a very special personality. She is a lovable person and takes care of others. An albanian girl who has a lot of style and she's very crazy. A..... is a very pretty girl Is talented. So guys, what are you still waiting for?

#Emotionful # beautiful # happy #crazy #beautiful
"Where is a..... ?"

"She's just rolling over there on the street."
by nonickname1230 January 03, 2017


Një djalë i pashëm hispanik që ka karizëm të çmendur dhe një personalitet simpatik. Ai mund të duket i ftohtë në fillim, por sapo ta njihni, i gjithë imazhi juaj për të ndryshon. Atij i pëlqen t'i pastrojë me duar balluket e tij të ashpra nga fytyra. Ai ka një zë të thellë , një mollë të nxehtë të Adamit dhe mban syze që e bëjnë atë të duket më i nxehtë se sa është tashmë.

A... është një djalë me të vërtetë i pashëm dhe i mirë që mbyllet . Ai nuk i tregon emocionet e tij në fillim, por kur ndihet rehat me dikë, ai është shumë i lezetshëm. Nëse keni një A... si shok ose një të dashur ( si unë ) ju jeni vërtet me fat. Ka kryesisht shqiptarë me pamje më të bukur . Dhe nëse mund të sillni një A...për të shprehur ndjenjat e tij apo edhe për të rënë në dashuri me ju, duhet të jeni shumë krenarë për veten tuaj.

Kjo me doli mu o @Soulmind 🤷🏻‍♂️😎🤣


Një djalë i pashëm hispanik që ka karizëm të çmendur dhe një personalitet simpatik. Ai mund të duket i ftohtë në fillim, por sapo ta njihni, i gjithë imazhi juaj për të ndryshon. Atij i pëlqen t'i pastrojë me duar balluket e tij të ashpra nga fytyra. Ai ka një zë të thellë , një mollë të nxehtë të Adamit dhe mban syze që e bëjnë atë të duket më i nxehtë se sa është tashmë.

A... është një djalë me të vërtetë i pashëm dhe i mirë që mbyllet . Ai nuk i tregon emocionet e tij në fillim, por kur ndihet rehat me dikë, ai është shumë i lezetshëm. Nëse keni një A... si shok ose një të dashur ( si unë ) ju jeni vërtet me fat. Ka kryesisht shqiptarë me pamje më të bukur . Dhe nëse mund të sillni një A...për të shprehur ndjenjat e tij apo edhe për të rënë në dashuri me ju, duhet të jeni shumë krenarë për veten tuaj.

Kjo me doli mu o @Soulmind 🤷🏻‍♂️😎🤣
sille anglisht se shqip me google translate s'mar vesh une 🤣

mu mka dal me mire 😛
sille anglisht se shqip me google translate s'mar vesh une 🤣

mu mka dal me mire 😛
A handsome Hispanic boy that has crazy charisma and a charming personality. He might seem cold at first but once you get to know him your whole image of him changes. He likes to brush his shaggy bangs off of his face with his hands. He has a deep voice, a hot Adam’s apple and wears glasses which makes him look hotter than he already is.

A... is a really handsome and good locking guy. He don’t shows his emotions at first, but when he gets comfortable with someone he is really cute. If you have a A... as a friend or an Boyfriend (Like me) you are really lucky. There are mostly the best looking albanians. And if you can bring a A... to express his feeling or even fall in love with you, you should be very proud of yourself.
Zehra: Mädels, ich will einen freund der mir zeigt das ich die einzige für ihn bin und das er nur mich will…

Ps: Ich liebe dich
by ask.zf November 22, 2021
une e bera me gjysmen e pare tani se mu kujtua qe me therrasin disa dhe me pjesen e pare. haha

The most beautiful girl in Brazil. Sweet and kind. Beautiful and loving. The world makes a little more sense with her in it. Beware, you will fall in love with B... the moment you see her.
I adore you B....

**me kete brazilin e ka gjet, haha

e nami u befte dhe versioni i plote i emrit:

B.......... A rare, but unique name given to girls, for the most part. B........... means 'ready for war' or 'warrior woman.'

B........... is a loud but yet caring person. She has a tough time trying to think of herself as an appealing person. Her self-esteem runs low at some
points, but she loves to bring other peoples self-esteem up. She's always known as the loud and weird girl. She doesn't like to judge people before she knows them. She has a personality mix or rude, caring, funny, and outgoing. She can use all of those tributes to her advantage.

Her main asset is her ability to see or bring out the best in people. She may let people in her life a little to quickly and gets disappointed quickly. You have her trust until you do something that may make her rethink her trust for you. B.......... will only let certain people close to her.
B............ is so funny and loving

ma ka gjet apo jo? :p
99% e ka gjet 😁
@Soulmind prandaj e kane bere fjalorishtin qe ta kemi kete pra ne shqip. ama s'ma futet aspak kur ju tregova ate nate :)
Une nuk e kam eksploruar akoma ate faqen se s'kam patur kohe. Thjesht shpreha pershtypjet fillestare te miat. :)
Po ti ulu e rri ca kendej njehere e pastaj shohim e bejme 😊


They are very intelligent, strong, noble, wise, & extremely hot! Watch out she’s got it all! Perfect 10 no matter what inside and out. Rare to find one they are usually married, if you have an Adela in you’re life then you my friend are a lucky man. Do not mistake her silence as shyness they are watchers. Adela’s don’t like drama and rather stay away from the crowds definitely a lone wolf even though they have friends. People always envy her because she’s got what others don’t have a good heart and banging body, but watch out because they can also fight and fat chicks tend to keep they’re man away from them because they see her as a threat. adelas may seem stuck up but they are the most humblest woman you can ever meet. They go through a lot people try bringing them down but they stand they’re ground and never give up they have too much to love for even though they are hated.
“Ugh, Kevin stay far away from adela and don’t even let me catch you staring at her I’ll be watching you!”

“Why can’t I have big tits and a big ass with a flat waist like Adela?!”

“Fucking Adela’s got it going on!”
“I see you Adela”

Lot nga te dy syt loool

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