Si pikë e mjesit që osht (plus tema ime love GTA vice city) hapni radio...
... And those channels...
Për kujdo që i ka ngel noj mision pa maru!
Edhe ka kohë për radion publike ????
Put your guns down!
Të morim një mësim të vyer nga jeta nga çështjet e moralit...
From the on and only.....
And listen to :
(I can't believe how people ask me how I learn English )
Jokes apart ????
I almost learn how to play Çelo in GT... Bahhhh oh Sebastian almost
But in moriring I like public radio....
Tema : kush ka lujt playstation, and all the games (apart game, meanwhile, playing, and meanwhile, apart the game)
This isn't a commercial.... But I love GTA VICE CITY!
... And those channels...
Për kujdo që i ka ngel noj mision pa maru!
Edhe ka kohë për radion publike ????
Put your guns down!
Të morim një mësim të vyer nga jeta nga çështjet e moralit...
From the on and only.....
And listen to :
(I can't believe how people ask me how I learn English )
Jokes apart ????
I almost learn how to play Çelo in GT... Bahhhh oh Sebastian almost
But in moriring I like public radio....
Tema : kush ka lujt playstation, and all the games (apart game, meanwhile, playing, and meanwhile, apart the game)
This isn't a commercial.... But I love GTA VICE CITY!