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Post nga Epirioti
Ne kemi pohimin e drejteperdrejte nga Pseudo-Skylax ne shek-6 para Krishtit ku ai pohon se Bylinet ose Hyllinet(per cudi korrespondon me fisin kryesor te dorianeve ky emer dhe me Hyllus djalin e Herakliut) ishin Ilire.
Skylax is a the earliest, 6th B.C.E and the latest, mid-4th century

And after Libyrnians are the Illyrian nation, and the Illyrians live along beside the sea as far as Chaonia by Kerkyra, the island of Alkinoِs. And there is a Hellenic city here, which has the name Herakleia, with a harbour. The barbarians called Lotus-eaters are the following: Hierastamnai, Boulinoi (Hyllinoi), coterminous with Boulinoi the Hylloi. And these say Hyllos son of Herakles settled them: and they are barbarians. And they occupy a peninsula a little lesser than the Peloponnese. And from peninsula parastonion* is upright: Boulinoi live beside this. And Boulinoi are an Illyric nation. And the coastal voyage is of the territory of Boulinoi of a long day up to Nestos river.

on January 7, 2009 at 11:32 am

27. [O RIKOI. And the Orikoi occupy [. . .] of the Amanian territory.] And the [Amantians], from Boulinoi as far as here, are Illyrians. And the mouth of the Ionian gulf is from Keraunian mountains as far as cape Iapygia. And up to Hydroëis city in Iapygia from the Keraunian mountains, the stades of the voyage across are about 500, [which] is the mouth of the gulf: and the places inside are the Ionian gulf. There are many harbours in the Adriatic:
and the same thing is the Adriatic and the Ionian.

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