Shfletimi si vizitorë është i kufizuar

Attimi di felicità ritrovata

Sto provando a fare ordine nella mia mente incasinata e piena di vecchi sentimenti per trovare il ricordo della prima volta che ascoltai questa canzone…
e la cosa buffa è che non solo riesco ricordarlo ma persino a riviverlo e sentirlo attraversarmi di nuovo l'anima.


Chiusi lentamente gli occhi e alzai la testa verso il cielo come se fossi in attesa di ricevere in dono un po' di libertà… come se per tutto quel tempo avessi vissuto con una corda legata intorno al collo.
Era come se per attimo il mondo si fosse fermato per permettermi di entrare in contatto con lei…
Respirai profondamente con stampato in faccia sorriso delicato e con un non so che di magico che scomparse alla fine della canzone; tornando così a questa infernale realtà.

Non è di certo la prima volta e non sarà nemmeno l'ultima in cui mi distacco e mi sento un po' meno umana… e vorrei parlarne, davvero. Ma con chi, di chi potrei mai fidarmi se non vedo altro che anime perse attaccate a dei brandelli di carne che potrebbero marcire da un momento all'altro?!

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"

... not the first time for sure. And will be neither the last time, When I'm disconnected, And I'm feeling less human....

This line from all the piece (I must say it's powerful and I enjoyed very much) is making eko in my brain right now....
To be less human....
Well I don't know about you, but I got this feeling when I catch myself empty... Free of love , I mean when I discover that I got no love at all (or do not miss at all in that particular moment) for the people that I really do love and are very important to me...

I mean absolutely the most favourite person/s in the whole world to you.
And this thought make me feel scared...
I punish my self of being selfish even in my thoughts, or the Idea of being like that..

But in reality is that particular moment that makes us (at least in my case) more human than ever... Is that exact precise moment, which makes each one of us unique....

P.S do e shkruaja Italisht por nuk di të shkruaj, Më pëlqeu shumë por shumë vërtetë...

Edhe kënga ishte si ketchup në French fries ?
... not the first time for sure. And will be neither the last time, When I'm disconnected, And I'm feeling less human....

This line from all the piece (I must say it's powerful and I enjoyed very much) is making eko in my brain right now....
To be less human....
Well I don't know about you, but I got this feeling when I catch myself empty... Free of love , I mean when I discover that I got no love at all (or do not miss at all in that particular moment) for the people that I really do love and are very important to me...

I mean absolutely the most favourite person/s in the whole world to you.
And this thought make me feel scared...
I punish my self of being selfish even in my thoughts, or the Idea of being like that..

But in reality is that particular moment that makes us (at least in my case) more human than ever... Is that exact precise moment, which makes each one of us unique....

P.S do e shkruaja Italisht por nuk di të shkruaj, Më pëlqeu shumë por shumë vërtetë...

Edhe kënga ishte si ketchup në French fries ?
Tallu ti tallu

Kur po e shkruaja dje, isha duke i henger me verte lol

Dhe repeat ne dark ?
Tallu ti tallu

Kur po e shkruaja dje, isha duke i henger me verte lol

Dhe repeat ne dark ?
Tashi Unë qerrova syte/trunin tu analizu gjithë atë dhe ty të ngeli menja ke French fries?

lool you have a problem seriously go to a exorcist the only one that can help you ?

P.S ain't my fault that your house smells like Macdonald's ?????
Tashi Unë qerrova syte/trunin tu analizu gjithë atë dhe ty të ngeli menja ke French fries?

lool you have a problem seriously go to a exorcist the only one that can help you ?

P.S ain't my fault that your house smells like Macdonald's ?????
Jam me 2% bateri
Falendero per mendimin ??????

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Binte shi

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  • Vajza e detit

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  • Vajza me pallton rozë

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  • Orëndreqësi

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