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Zbulon Ilacin per Aidsit ! certifikohet nga WIPO.


Dijetari i njohur Islam Abdulmexhid Zendani ka zbuluar ilacin kunder Aidsit.
Per kete zbulim epokal,ky dijetar i njohur islam,u certifiku nga institucioni me i njohur nderkombetar per certifikime intelektuale,e i cili institucion eshte i lidhur me kombet e bashkuara-WIPO.
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Titulli: Zbulon Ilacin per Aidsit ! certifikohet nga WIPO.

Mqs ska me shume info, ne artikull, kekrova per kete dijetar, edhe e gjeta me emrin Abdul Majeed al-Zindani
Abdul Majeed al-Zindani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[h=3]AIDS research[/h] Al-Zindani gave a speech praising the quality of scientific and medical research carried out at the Iman University, claiming that they had successfully treated many cases of AIDS.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP] In 20 cases, al-Zandani said that the virus had vanished completely without any side effects, and he called on the UN, which "spends enormous amounts of money to fight the disease," to send "its senior scientists to review [the university's] findings.”[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]
Dr. Jamil al-Mughales, the head of the Clinical Immunology Services of King Abdulaziz University, has disputed al-Zindani's results, saying he personally inspected blood tests, and contradicting al-Zindani's claims.[SUP][15][/SUP] Al-Mughales said that if he were the Minister of Health, he would put al-Zindani in jail. “I hope that the mass media does not give him more press, because I think he has some hidden motives, because he is on the list of the terrorist lists,” he said.[SUP][16][/SUP]
Later, Al-Zindani gets a patent for his labs method of AIDS treatment, which was published on the World Intellectual Property Organization website at the date of 07.04.2011. [SUP][17][/SUP]

Gje shume e qart as nga ketu nuk del per ilacin ose menyren e trajtimit.
Thot qe behet fjala per 20 raste, gje qe mund te jete nje fillim, edhe pse kerkimet per ilace behen per 10 vjete ( ose me shume), qe te pranohen ne treg.

Gjithsesi, kur te zbulohet ilaci per HIV dhe kancer, do te jet nje hap i madhe perpara per Mjeksine.

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