Thenje latinisht


Dum spiro, spero くる
  • Ad nauseam - At the point of nausea
  • Abeo (I am out of here)
  • Amor omnia vincit (Love conquers all)
  • Assentator (A "yes" man)
  • A vinculo matrimoni (From the bond of marriage) used in a decree of absolute divorce
  • Amantes sunt amentes (Lovers are mad)
  • Ante bellum (Before war)
  • Aut vincere aut mori (Either to conquer or to die)
  • Aeternum vale (Farewell forever)
  • Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all)
  • Annuit coeptis (Written on the one-dollar bill) (The eye) of the providence has favored
  • our undertakings)
  • Ars longa, vita brevis (Art is long, life is short)
  • Alma mater (Fostering / nourishing mother)
  • Ad hoc ( For a specific purpose)
  • Avis rara (A rare bird)
  • Bis vivit qui bene vivit (He lives twice who lives well)
  • Bone fide (in good faith)
  • Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)
  • Compos mentis (Sane of mind)
  • Corpus delicti (The body of the crime or offense)
  • Cotidiana vilescunt (Familiarity breeds contempt)
  • Cura ut valeas (Take care of yourself)
  • Cum grano salis (With a grain of salt)
  • Da mihi multa basia (Catullus) (Give me many kisses)
  • Cum laude (with praise / laud)
  • Diem dulcem habes (Have a nice day!)
  • Diem perdidi (I have lost a day)
  • Docendo discimus (By teaching we learn)
  • De gustibus non est disputandum (There is no accounting for taste)
  • Deo volente (God willing)
  • Dum spiro spero (While I breathe I hope)
  • Dum vita est spes est (While there is life there is hope)
  • E pluribus unum (One out of many)
  • Ex nihilo nihil (Frm nothing, nothing
  • Epistla non erubescit ( A letter does not blush)
  • Eris semper in corde meo (You will always be in my heart)
  • Es semper in corde meo (You are always in my heart)
  • Exitus acta probat (The outcome proves the deeds)
  • Experientia docet (Experience is the best teacher)
  • Fac ut gaudeam (Make my day!)
  • Fac ut vivas (Get a life)
  • Fama volat (The rumor flies)
  • Finis coronat opus (The end crowns the work)
  • Fortuna caeca est ( Fortune is blind)
  • Habeas corpus (Thou shalt have the body)
  • Ibidem (ibid) (In the same place)
  • In flagrante delicto (In the very act of committing a crime)
  • Impedimentum memoriae ( A mental block)
  • In media est res (In the middle is the right thing)
  • Immodica ira creat insaniam (An excessive rage creates insanity)
  • I.N.R.I. (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum = Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)
  • Inter nos (between us)
  • In vitro (In the glass)
  • Ipsa scientia potestas est (Knowledge itself is power)
  • Ipso facto (By that very fact)
  • Lux et veritas (Light and truth)
  • Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes (Our thoughts are free)
  • Lapsus linguae (A slip of the tongue)
  • Magna cum laude (With great praise/laud)
  • Mea culpa ( My fault)
  • Medicus curat natura sanat (The doctor treats, the nature cures)
  • Mel meum (My honey)
  • Mutatis mutandis ( All necessary changes having been made)
  • Multum in parvo (Much in little)
  • Melius tarde quam numquam (Better late than never)
  • Mens sana in corpore sano ( A sound mind in a sound body)
  • Mihi quidem voluptas est (for me indeed it is a pleasure)
  • Modus operandi ( method or manner of working)
  • Modus vivendi ( The manner of living)
  • Nemo est sine culpa (No one is without fault)
  • Nescio quid dicis (I don't know what you are saying)
  • Necessitas non habet legem (Necessity does not have any law)
  • Noli intrare (Don't enter)
  • Noli perturbare (Don't disturb)
  • Nolle prosequi (Unwilling to prosecute)
  • Nolo contendere (I don't wish to contend) ( A defendant's plea that he or she will
  • accept his or her conviction but not admit his or her guilt)
  • Non omnia possumus omnes (We can't all do everything)
  • Non scholae sed vitae discimus (We don't learn for the school but for life)
  • Non sum qualis eram (I am not what I used to be)
  • Nulli secundus (Second to none)
  • Non semper erit aestas (It will not be always summer)
  • Non sequitur (It does not follow)
  • Non est vivere sed valere vita est (Life is not just to live but to be of value)
  • Novus ordo seclorum (Written on the one-dollar bill - a new order of the ages
  • Omnes una manet nox (The same night awaits us all)
  • Omnia mutandur nos et mutamur in illis ( All things change and we change with them)
  • Onus probandi (The burden of proof)
  • Pares cum paribus facillime congregantur (Equals very easily congregate with equals)
  • Per annum (For each year)
  • Per capita (By heads = For each person)
  • Per diem (Per day)
  • Persona non grata (An unwelcome person)
  • Periculum in mora (There is danger in delay)
  • Post bellum (After war)
  • Post mortem (After death)
  • Post scriptum (P.S.) (After writing)
  • Pro bono publico (For the public good)
  • Pro et contra (For and against)
  • Prima facie (At first appearance)
  • Propino tibi salutem (Cheers!)
  • Quid pro quo ( Something for something)
  • Qui dormit non peccat ( One who sleeps does not sin)
  • Qui nimium probat, nihil probat ( One who proves too much , proves nothing)
  • Quo vadis (Where are you going?)
  • Quomodo vales (How are you?)
  • Quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando (Who, what, where, with what, why, how, when)
  • Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur ( anything said in Latin sounds profound)
  • Quid novi (What's new?)
  • Qui timens vivet liber non erit umquam (Horace) He who lives in fear will never be free
  • Qui vir odiosus (What a bore !)
  • Quod fiat, fiat (What will be, will be)
  • Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit )True love will hold those who had it)
  • *Pharmacy symbol (Recipe = Take, receive) (imperative of recipio)
  • Requiescat in pace (R.I.P. Rest in peace)
  • Res ipsa loquitur (The facts speak for themselves)
  • Rex regnat sed non gubernat ( The king rules but does not govern)
  • Re vera, cara mea, mea nihil refert )Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn !)
  • Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas (Often the harsh thorns create tender roses
  • Semper fidelis (Always faithful)
  • Semper paratus (Always ready)
  • Si vis amari, ama (If you want to be loved, love)
  • Sic semper tyrannis (John Wilkes Booth) (Thus always to tyrants)
  • Sol omnibus lucet (The sun shines for all)
  • Status quo (the existing condition)
  • Subpoena (Under punishment)
  • Sursum corda (Lift up the hearts)
  • Summa cum laude (With the highest praise/laud)
  • Tempus fugit (Time runs away)
  • Tempus neminem manet (Time waits for no one)
  • Te convenisse voluptas est (It's a pleasure to meet you)
  • Ubi dubium ibi libertas (Where there is a doubt, there is freedom)
  • Ubi fumus, ibi ignis (Where there is smoke, there is fire)
  • Veni vidi vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)
  • Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free)
  • Veto (I forbid)
  • Virus (Poison)
  • Vox populi (The voice of the people)
flm shume per kete postim, :)
Carpe diem mojjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj...

Kap momentin:D
"Iudex damnatur ubi nocens absolvitur."

Kur fajtori leshohet nga denimi, ai qe denohet eshte gjykatesi!

"Dubium sapientiae initium."

Dyshimi eshte fillimi i dijes.
Beati monoculi in terra coecorum

Lum si ata qe kane nje sy ne nje toke me qorra!
Falsum saepe vero suavius est

Genjeshtra shpesh eshte me e kendshme se e verteta
Ignorantia legis non exusat

Mosnjohja e ligjit nuk eshte justifikim (per ata qe thyejne ligjin dhe thone qe nuk e dinin)
Leges bonae ex malis moribus procreantur

Ligjet e mira krijohen nga traditat (kostumet, sjelljet) e keqija.
Therime ceshte kjo "Carpe diem mojjjj"?Nuk e kuptoj mire.

Ishte thirrje gjysem shqip gjysem latinisht ndaj Sweetty-t.

Meqe rra llafi:

Carpe - forma urdherore, ne shqip themi KAPE (ekziston dhe ne latinisht Cape nga Capio, is, ivi, itum, ire)

Diem - dita, giorno, day

Fjale per fjale perkthehet KAP DITEN (kap momentin donte te thoshte Orazio:))
Ah kujtova se mos ishte kapja pervec "diem" qe esht dita por qe une dyshoj se esht dhe "djem" edhe te dickaje tjeter qe une dyshoj tek fjala e pare.
honeste videre alterum non leadere

Me duket se i mungon ndonje nyje tek tuk kesaj fjalise per te patur kuptim te sakte sic e ke shkruar ti!

megjithate perkthimi mendoj se eshte:

Ki nje kendveshtrim te ndershem qe te mos cenosh te tjeret....

(do ta kerkoj ne fjalor njehere kete fjaline, se sikur s'ma mbush mendjen keshtu)
Degjo, keshtu sic e ke shkruar ti ta bej une analizen e fjalise dhe perkthimin:

Honeste Videre - honeste eshte emer dhe merr te njejten prapashtese si videre (nuk me kujtohet sakte tani prejardhja e rregullit latin, duhet te shfletoj librat), pra mbarrojne te dyja me -e

Videre vjen nga folja video, es, vidi, visum, vidère qe do te thote TE SHOHESH

Alterum - nga alter, te tjeret

Non- nuk, non (italisht)

Laedere- nga folja laedo, ledere ne italisht, Cenosh shqip

Fjalia sic e ke perkthyer ti shkruhet ne latinisht:

Honeste vivere alterum ducere!
E gjeta:D:D

"Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere. "

keto jane tre rregullat e te drejtes:

1) te jetosh ne menyre te ndershme
2) mos cenosh te tjeret
3) ti japesh atij qe duhet ate qe meriton (qe eshte i tij)
kjo esht kisha harruarr pjesen e dyt ta shtoja .

1-0 per mua:D:D

E bukur shprehja, nuk e kisha hasur kurre ne latinisht:)

P.S. mos thuaj qe bej copy paste pastaj:D
1dhe 2 isht shprehja ,shtove pjesen e trete qe nuk ishte e postuar

S'eshte e vertete e kishte shkruar gabim qe ne fillim:D

Kishte ngaterruar foljen dhe mbi te gjitha ne latinisht s'ka shume kuptim fjalia e lene pergjysem ashtu:):p
Prandaj dhe une s'poi gjeja fillin:)
jo moj se kisha me ty :)

flat justitia ruat coelum

edhe ketu kam pershtypjen se do kete nje gabim, si e ke perkthimin ti??

Se kjo flat me duket si fjale anglisht me shume se latinisht:)
Ej eshte njera qe une kam qejf po sdi ta shkruaj ne latinisht i di kuptimin e te tere po sdi si shkruhet,mbase ti Briciolo e di????
"Shkrimet mbesin fjalet fluturojn".
Let justice be done through the heavens fall - ky esht perkthimi


Perkthimi latinisht eshte Fiat jusititia ruat coelum

Ej eshte njera qe une kam qejf po sdi ta shkruaj ne latinisht i di kuptimin e te tere po sdi si shkruhet,mbase ti Briciolo e di????
"Shkrimet mbesin fjalet fluturojn".

kjo eshte e thjeshte, e di permendesh

Scripta manent verba volant
Por ai esht vetem njemundesi zberthimi.
(on e z'te vet te re al te rum non lae te re)(on e zete vet tere al te ro m'non la e tere)....e tjera.por thelbi mendoj se esht ajo qe kam postuar une qe me thjesht:Jeto me punen tende dhe jo me punen e te tjereve ku futet dhe trashegimnia.

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • 1-Bëju.

    Votat: 11 40.7%
  • 2-Ankth mesnate.

    Votat: 3 11.1%
  • 3-Të dua ty.

    Votat: 8 29.6%
  • 4-Nje kujtim.

    Votat: 5 18.5%