Test vizual te cilin e kalojne vetem pilotet!


Klikoni linkun per te plotesuar testin. Nuk eshte shume i gjate.

The visual test only pilots can pass!

Rezultati im.

You have the vision of a pilot!
You see just as well as an airline pilot! Your eyesight is extremely closely linked to your brain, so you possess almost supernatural powers. This helps you to be able to detect and analyze situations exceptionally fast. You can be very proud! Share your result with your friends so that they can find out if they see as well as a pilot!

Wow mos xhelozo ti. :D
Titulli: Test vizual te cilin e kalojne vetem pilotet!

Edhe mua keshtu me doli,duket qe e kam gjenin e pilotit nga xhaja, kot sjam bere pilote :D
Titulli: Test vizual te cilin e kalojne vetem pilotet!


E solla me foto per mosbesuesit :P

Gje koti gjithsesi
Titulli: Test vizual te cilin e kalojne vetem pilotet!

Titulli: Test vizual te cilin e kalojne vetem pilotet!

Mire qe doli nje huq, se per pak te dilnim pilota te gjithe. Lol

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