Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]


lost in the ocean
një lajm ekskluziv tregon se si e morri Eminem-i emrin e vet(Eminem pra).

Babai i Eminem-it kur ishte i ri u dashurua në një Shqiptare. Ajo e kishte emrin Emine Muharremi.

Eminja ishte dashuria e parë e babait të Eminemit, andaj kur ai dëgjoi këngën vet më the të dua i premtoi asaj:
“Kur t’më lind një djalë, ia vë emrin tënd”.

Pastaj, fati nuk deshi që të bashkohej me Eminen, kështu, djali e mori emrin Emine[m], pra në fund e merr edhe shkronjën e parë të mbiemrit.

Fakt interesant hëë? Të presim si do reagoj nëna e Eminemit për këtë rast…
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

really ?
interesante.... nuk do e kisha imagjinuar naiher..
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Interesante kjo pun se :D spom duket kurgjo e vertet :S

viviamo nel mondo delle mezze verita

ndaj do besu lol :lol:
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M] e forte kjo!

mesa di un Eminemi nuk ka si ''eminem'' emrin e vet por e ka ''marshall mothers..'' a dicka e tille apo gabohem..?
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Nuk e di nese e vure per shaka ti, po thash te sjell arsyjen qe une degjova kur u dha nje dukumentar per te.

Ne moshen 17 vjecare ai u be i njohur si M&M (Marshall Mathers). M&M ne anglisht lexohet em'en'em, ne baze te kesaj ai shkruaji Eminem.

Cne Eminja ketu?
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Nuk e di nese e vure per shaka ti, po thash te sjell arsyjen qe une degjova kur u dha nje dukumentar per te.

Ne moshen 17 vjecare ai u be i njohur si M&M (Marshall Mathers). M&M ne anglisht lexohet em'en'em, ne baze te kesaj ai shkruaji Eminem.

Cne Eminja ketu?

as un se di hahahahahahahahahahahahaha:kercim:
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Nga e more kete lajm ti Mad????
Rrena me bisht
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Nga e more kete lajm ti Mad????
Rrena me bisht

ne shqiptaret shquhemi per ndeshmeri ,ndaj pse me akuzoni kot? po do ze beeeeeeeeeeee :canna:
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

dhe sikur ma mori menja qe do kishit shkrujt naj lidhje me shqiptaret ncncncncnc!
hahahaahah eminja
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

hahahahah pse ja fusni kot more hahahah

eminem do te thot

marshall mathers

eminem do te thot M dhe M ,,,, jan inicjalet e emrit dhe te mbiemrit,,


mos nxjerrni kso gjerash pa lidhje sepse nuk jan te mira kto sme pelqejn fare

emri i tij nuk esht eminem por marshall mathers....
Redaktimi i fundit:
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

E di qe me verte na e shpifet me keto "Kuriozitete" qe gjeni neper gazetat shqiptare, qe jane mbush me CRAP.

ka qene i dashuruar i ri me Emine Muharremin, i jati medemek. E pike e zeze. LOOOOOOOOL
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Nese e lexon ndonje Emine Muharremi kete shkrim do ndihet krenare nga njera ane (e kane bere VIP gazetaret ) por nga ana tjeter do bej sherr me burrin :D
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Kush eshte ky ??
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

guvernatori i los angeles :kercim:

Dhe perse eshte kaq i rrendesishem per ne emri per nje guvernatori Amerikan.....mahhhh
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Dhe perse eshte kaq i rrendesishem per ne emri per nje guvernatori Amerikan.....mahhhh

Si ke degjuar lyricat e ketij ti, ku rap per te jemen. Do te bej kete, e ate, do te vras, do te rape, do torturoj, je kshu, je ashtu. biatch etc etc.

he se nuk ke humbur ndonje ydh muzike pa e njohur/degjuar. Megjithese e njeh ti po he, mos bej sikur ke lind dje. Lol
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Si ke degjuar lyricat e ketij ti, ku rap per te jemen. Do te bej kete, e ate, do te vras, do te rape, do torturoj, je kshu, je ashtu. biatch etc etc.

he se nuk ke humbur ndonje ydh muzike pa e njohur/degjuar. Megjithese e njeh ti po he, mos bej sikur ke lind dje. Lol

Abstr eshte guvernator Amerikan qe kendon rap ??? spo ju marr vesh ?? dhe pse shan nenen e tij ky....
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Bahhhhhhhh nuk lam gje pa saju ne shqiptaret
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Ta shohim tani sa femije do t'quhen EMINE LOL
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

eshte ashtu sic ka postuar karamelja (m&m)
emineja do pres dhe ca kohe per te bere nje emine(m) tjt
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

ja ku e ke origjinen e emrit Eminem
Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on the 17th October 1972, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Son of a fifteen-year-old mother at the time of his birth and a father who left six month later never to return, Marshall spent his early childhood being shoved back and forth from Kansas City and Detroit. He settled on the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12. Switching schools every two to three months made it difficult to make friends, graduate and to stay out of trouble. Being a rap fan for most of his life, Marshall began rapping at the early age of 4. Rhyming words together, battling schoolmates in the lunchroom brought joy to what was otherwise a painful existence.
At the age of 14, he began to get very serious about his rapping but it wasn't until he was 17 that he actually made a name for himself, becoming M& M, which he would later respell as "Eminem". Being rejected by most fellow rappers because of his race, Marshall grew an anger that flows through his music to this day. After failing the 9th grade for three times in a row, he quit school, but remarks that he doesn't consider himself stupid and doesn't advise that people should follow his example. He says that it just wasn't for him. Forcing himself on radio shows, freestyle battles, Marshall threw himself head first into the rap game, where he was swallowed up most of the time. His very first album was titled "Infinite" and, while the album sold less than a thousand copies, it was the gearing up stages for the rapper who became a millionaire. It was then that his daughter, Hailie Jade Scott, was born on December 25th of 1995 with long time girlfriend Kim Scott. Having nothing to lose at all, flat broke and not knowing where he would be living the next week, Marshall set out to rant about life in general, the set quickly caught the ear of hip-hop's difficult-to-please underground. What came out of this was the Slim Shady EP, the early work for the later Dr. Dre revised Slim Shady LP. Down to nearly his last dime, he went into the 1997 Rap Olympics in Los Angeles, basically hoping to win the $1,500 cash price which he badly needed. After battling for an hour and throwing back every race diss thrown at him, Marshall made it to second place losing in a slip up. Furious that he had lost, Marshall didn't even notice that he had been spotted. In the crowd were a few producers from Interscope, and they were handed a copy of the "Infinite" tape by way of a demo. Dr. Dre got to hear it and eventually tracked him down. The two instantly hit it off, recording four songs in the their first six hours of working - three which made it to his first LP. After the album was finished, Dr. Dre asked Marshall to come work with him on his new album. He helped produce several tracks and was on the best songs of the album.
Eminem - Biography
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

Ani de e gzoft :D
Titulli: Si e morri emrin EMINE[M]

hahahahahahah nje koh thojshin qe disa shqiptare e kan rreh eminemin tash na dul eminja :p e paskan tregu ktu se nga ka ardh ky emer . :p