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Per here te pare ne bote digital camera 3D!!


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Per here te pare ne bote do dale ne tregun britanik camera qe do te beje foto dhe videjo 3D pa pasur nevoje per syze speciale.

Krijuar nga firma Japanese camera company Fujifilm, do te lejoje perdoruesit qe te shohin fotot e pushimeve ne full 3D me bicikletat dhe topat e plazhit te dalin nga imazhi ....keto efekte ka edhe per videjot.

FinePix REAL 3D W1camera ka dy lense dhe dy sensor te larguara nga njera tjetra, dimesioni trete krijohet nga nje integrated processor qe krijon nje imazh qe nxjerrin dy lenses.

But photographers need not wear red and green glasses to view their masterpieces. They can be viewed as they are shot on the 2.8inch LCD screen on the back of the camera.

You will also be able to share them on the FinePix REAL 3D V1 - an 8inch LCD photo frame.

Hard copies will be available on order from FujiFilm using lenticular sheets, which have a plastic layer that acts as a lens to create the effect.

The high-tech camera is a chunky device with a hardy aluminium frame to protect the lenses from vibration and impact.

It features a 3x optical zoom and 'interval shooting' that lets you take 3D shots as you are moving, such as in a car or a plane. aparat do dale ne treg ne shtator per here te pare ne bote ne britani me cmimin prej £570.

Shiko fotografinë 1725020

Shiko fotografinë 1725021
Sa ero bo kjo me ?

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