
Without? Without plenty of thing's but then how do you decide you've got all u need it or wanted ? Human nature is Always searching for more so don't think there is a limit!!
Pa? Asht boring pa shum gjera po si e vendos qe ke te mjaftuashme? Natura vet e njeriut gjithmon kerkon me shum
Do thoja ska limit se sa Pa ket ate kte apo ku di une
Un do thoja
Be happy with what you have
Ka njerez qe skan as gjysmen e atyre qe ke !!
Pa lloje te ndryshme karakteresh , qe na duan ..qe na urrejne , qe i dukemi te kendshem ose anasjelltas.
Fundja shnetin te kemi se sa pa ..kemi per te then ne kte teme e ne ditet ne vazhdim aq te mira pacim .
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Life is boring without Failure ( Becuase you get to learn only from failure!)

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Jeta pa ty

    Votat: 6 46.2%
  • Simfonia e bisedave tona

    Votat: 2 15.4%
  • Bora e parë

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  • Larg

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