Nje antar , Nje pyetje!

Gunix is an independent IT services provider and consultancy firm, offering a detailed selection of services spanning the entire spectrum of Information Technology.

To find out more about how Gunix can benefit you, read on about our in depth services and solutions.

Consultancy - Gunix can advise on short term issues - providing solutions to problems as simple as gaining value on the purchase of new hardware or software; or developing an internet strategy.

Gunix can also provide in depth advice on long term business objectives in IT; assess working systems so that companies can achieve better IT efficiency and long term goals - even if these goals are not clear, Gunix can aid in assessing this.

Programming and Software Development - Gunix benefits from an in depth knowledge of a wide range of programs on most formats; be it programing for the Unix OS, FreeBSD, or using Perl or MySQL databases for the development of intricate applications. If you have a software requirement, we are confident that we can provide you with a solution.

IT Support - Gunix offer full IT support, either as one-off services or regular contractual work. From installation and monitoring ,to configuring and backing up of software and hardware, through to Windows 2003 Servers, Fax servers and Email Servers. We are more than happy to offer tailored support for any client's needs.
skam plan te diskutoj gje me tej......

siq e pash pyetjen dhash pergjigje shkurt. Askush ska hanger gje bllof e pa....

nje pyetje per Odeon:

me çfare arsye e ke titulluar temen tuaj: Ashpersi?

Ku ishte motivi i ketij titullimi te zgjedhur? ...

/me fal, pyetje thjesht kureshtare, asgje me shum./

Lexo temen dhe gjen pergjigjen, e nese nuk e gjen nuk eshte faji im!

Te kam falur per pyetjen dhe kureshtare qofsh!

Pyetja ime per temen:

Keni nje simbol qe e simpatizoni?
nese e lexoj, natyrisht se do i kuptohet thelbi, por pyeta: cfare detyroi ta emeroni ashtu temen: eshte çeshtje ashpersie nga jeta apo çfare?

Kam lexu 2-3 pjese te para,... sjam ndal te lexoj gjate temen. por ja do shikoj ta lexoj teresisht. Nese ka diqka per simpatizim, ok do ju njoftoj.

Faleminderit pra.....

Ju pershendes
nje pytje per antarin me te ri ralph..
ju terheq personazhi ... fakti qe ka qene emigrant..hebre.. stilist.. apo ju pelqen moda e tije?
me pak fjale pse ate nick ..qe perforcon ne avatar?
passion djali je per kafe?
1 pyetje per anetaren $princess$ qe kish votuar tek letersia muajin e kaluar.
Tek profili jot del aktiviteti i fundit qe ne 2008, a me trego cik aman si votove ne 2018?Lol
nje pyetje per nicktjeter.
a ke ndryshuar mendje per proposten qe te kam bere nje here e nje kohe??
Pytje per sallen.....

Ku jeni o rob zoti????:p
Një anëtar një pyetje, dy anëtar dy pyetje, shumë anëtar shumë pyetjeeeeeee.
  • Më pëlqen
Reactions: Aki
Violete a jane pjeket mollet andej nga ju?
Kitra, ne shitore i shoh ne shitje...…. si shkon ne fshat, nuk e di. :D

Me siguri qe PO, sepse fundi i tetorit. :)
O moj qytetare qa di ti qa eshte fshati ?

Une i vjela dhr i vura me i la ne lume ?

OK :) .. ti hani me shendet…... :D dimri eshte gjatë tek ne....
a je per kafe sonte?

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • 1-Brenga ime dashuri

    Votat: 7 41.2%
  • 2-Botë e mjerë

    Votat: 4 23.5%
  • 3-Shitësja e farave

    Votat: 6 35.3%