Suksesi i iPhone sigurisht qe i ka tejkaluar gjithe parashikimet ne shitje dhe fitime te Apple,nderkohe qe Nokia deklaron ulje te fitimeve pasi dhe konkurenca eshte rritur mjaft dhe nga Blackberry.Keshtu dhe Motorola hidhet ne lufte kunder iPhonit duke nxjerr modelin e saj me pretendimin se mund te konkuroj iPhone.
Disa karakteristika te pergjithshme jane :
* DVD quality video
* Speech recognition
* Augmented reality
* Multitasking
* Physical AND software keyboards
* 3.7 inch display (854×480 WVGA)
* 5MP camera with flash
* Intelligent dock
* Android 2.0 (open development, baby)
* Multitouch
* Replaceable battery
* Facebook integration
Per me shume rreth tij mund te shikoni nje video :
Disa karakteristika te pergjithshme jane :
* DVD quality video
* Speech recognition
* Augmented reality
* Multitasking
* Physical AND software keyboards
* 3.7 inch display (854×480 WVGA)
* 5MP camera with flash
* Intelligent dock
* Android 2.0 (open development, baby)
* Multitouch
* Replaceable battery
* Facebook integration
Per me shume rreth tij mund te shikoni nje video :