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Kur'an shpjegohet nepermjet haditheve dhe ka pozitat e veta
Pozita e hadithit ndaj Kuranit:
Kur hadithi është në përputhje me atë që është përmendur në Kuranin famëlartë. Kurani dhe hadithi janë të ndërthurura në aspektin e argumenteve dhe të numrit të tyre, siç është; urdhërimi për faljen e namazit, dhënien e zekatit, agjërimin e muajit të Ramazanit dhe kryerjen e haxhit. Gjithashtu; për ndalimin e shirkut ndaj Allahut, dëshmisë së rreme, mosbindjen ndaj prindërve, luftën në rrugën e Zotit etj.
Kur hadithi vjen si sqarues dhe detajues për atë që përmendet në Kuranin famëlartë, si p.sh.; detajimi i kohëve të namazit, numri i rekateve të tij, shumat dhe kohët e zekatit, pasuria që jepet për zekat, dispozitat e agjërimit, ritualet e haxhit, dhe të tjera që erdhën të përmbledhura në Kuran.
Kur hadithi vjen për të vërtetuar një vendim për të cilin Kurani ka heshtur, siç është; ndalimi i martesës së dikujt me një grua, me hallën e saj, me tezen e saj, ngrënia e çdo kafshe të egër mishngrënëse, zogu me kthetra, dhe shumë vendime të tjera që janë ligjëruar vetëm se në sunet.
Profeti Muhamed asnjehere ska fol sipas qejfi por vetem cfar i esht shpallur atij nga Allahu
Edhe një herë kurani është libri i vetëm që ka zbritur nga fjalët e zotit nga pejgamberi vec sa e shkruajti. Athere pse nuk solli zoti nje liber tjeter kur ishte muhamedi gjalle per vec kuranit? Kurani eshte perfekt, nuk ka gabime dhe kundershtime. Hadithet nuk jane plotsues sepse splotsojne asgje nga kurani sepse e ke cdo gje te ehste dhene qe ne fillim, perkundrazi hadithet jane fjale te njerzve te mbas vdkjes se pejgamberit shjtesa qe shpejgojn asgje ne lidhje me vardhet kuranore po thone ca ka the gjasme pejgamberi ose si e kane pare pejgamberin te thote mbas vdekjes se tij 200 vjet mbrapa.
Islam (Submission in English) is an old religion, older than the prophet Muhammed. Islam (Submission) was founded by Abraham. See Quran, 22:78, 3:67-68, and 16:123.It is through Abraham that all of Islam's religious practices were revealed. 2:127-128.
The Prophet Muhammed was a messenger of God and the Final Prophet who brought the Final message, Quran, to the world, 33:40.
God told the believers that His book, the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed, see 6:19, 6:38, 6:114, & 12:111. God reminded them that He does not run out of words, and if He so willed He could have given us more than one Quran , if He would have deemed it necessary, see 18:109 and 31:27
God, the Knower of all things, the Cognizant, knows that after the death of the Prophet Muhammed people will invent lies about the prophet and call it Hadiths and Sunna. God, ahead of all of them used the word Hadith in the Quran. God gave His true believers a strong start with the word Hadith and He told them which Hadith they should accept, the HADITH OF GOD ONLY. The word Hadith has been used several times in the Quran ( about 31 times in different forms, 18 of them with the exact word HADITH). None of the good hadiths in the Quran refer to what the Muslims nowadays believe is Muhammed's Hadiths. The word Sunna in the Quran never referred to Muhammed's sunna.
A review of the use of the word Hadith in the Quran can show any sincere believer that God wants us to follow no other Hadiths but His Hadith, the QURAN.
Here is some of what the Quran says about Hadiths. The words are clear but those who insist on defying God cannot see it or feel it.
[Quran 7:185] Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? Which HADITH, besides this (Quran) do they believe in?
[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.
[Quran 39:23] God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH; a book that is consistent and points out both ways (to heaven and hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God's message. Such is God's guidance; he bestows it upon whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing can guide them.
[Quran 45:6] These are God's revelations (Quran) that we recite to you truthfully. In which HADITH other than God and His revelations do they believe?
[Quran 52:34] Let them produce a HADITH like this (Quran) if they are truthful.
[Quran 68:44] Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this HADITH(Quran); we will lead them on whence they never perceive.
[Quran 77:50] Which HADITH other than this do they uphold?
Why did God permitted these so called Hadiths ? The answer is in next verse.
[Quran 6:112-113] We have permitted the enemies of every prophet - human and jinn devils - to inspire in each other FANCY WORDS , in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their FABRICATIONS. This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such FABRICATIONS, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions.
Hadithet bien ne kundehstim me njera tjetren
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 159: Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet performed ablution by washing the body parts only once.
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 160: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Zaid: The Prophet performed ablution by washing the body parts twice.
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 196: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Zaid: Once Allah's Apostle came to us and we brought out water for him in a brass pot. He performed ablution thus: He washed his face thrice, and his forearms to the elbows twice, then passed his wet hands lightly over the head from front to rear and brought them to front again and washed his feet (up to the ankles).
Gaber Ibn Abdullah said, " The messenger of God prohibited a man from crossing one leg over the other while lying down on his back " Moslem
Ebada Ibn Tameem said , his father said that he saw the messenger of God lying down on his back in the mosque while crossing his legs." Moslem
Sahih Moslem, Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said, "Do not drink while standing up, if someone forgot and did it, he should vomit what he drank."
Ibn Abbas said, "The messenger of God drank from the water of Zamzam while standing up...." Sahih Moslem.
"The Prophet urinated in a standing position" Bukhary
"The Prophet never urinated in a standing position." Hanbel.
In Bukhary, vol.1 " There will not be on the surface of Earth after one hundred years, one newborn (or created) human being.
Now after about 1400 years this hadith did not happen. The Prophet Muhammed could not say such a lie, but people who believe in falsehood cannot help but believe in it and put it in a book and call it AUTHENTIC (Sahih).
The corruption of Bukhary is obvious in this hadith. This hadith states that there will be no more NEW human beings 100 years after Muhammed. Despite the fact that this hadith was collected by Bukhary more than 200 hundred years after the death of the Prophet, and is obviously a LIE and a FABRICATION, and the prophet Muhammed could not have said it, Bukhary still included this lie in his SAHIH (Authentic hadiths). Bukhary did not care about what the hadiths say or teach but cared to find good Isnad (Chain of narrators). He failed in his Isnad and in his Sahih, and in his Islam. Bukhary corrupted his own book and Islam by many of these FALSE hadiths that, many deceived Muslims cherish and in doing so commit idol-worship. The Prophet Muhammed will complain to God on the Day of Judgment from him and from all the puppets who followed his footsteps. See 25:30