Shfletimi si vizitorë është i kufizuar

Atlantida, misteri i kontinentit te zhdukur


Anëtar Aktiv
Eshte folur shume per Atlantiden, kontinenti i supozuar i zhdukur para disa mijera vjeteve. Shume studiues dhe shkencetare te fushave te ndryshe i kane kushtuar jeten dhe pasionin e tyre kerkimit te ketij kontinenti qe per momentin mbetet imagjinar por pa rezultat. Ka shume teori qe kundershtojne njera tjetren dhe qe lidhen kryesisht jo me faktin se cfare perfaqesonte ne vetvehte Atlantida dhe cfare shkalle zhvillimi kishte, por me vendndodhjen.
Deshmia e pare qe mund te quhet serioze vjen nga Platoni ne njeren prej dialogeve te dy personazheve ne tragjedine Kritias dhe Timaios. Platonit (viti 350 para eres sone) i referohet ligjevenesit te famshem te Greqise se lashte Solonit i cili udhetonte shpesh, ne njerin prej udhetimeve te ketij te fundit ne Egjyp, gjate takimit me nje prift ai degjoi per historine e nje toke te begate me nje madhesi sa Libia dhe Azia te marra sebashku. Kjo toke shtrihej diku ne afersi te Shtyllave te Herkulit (ngushtica e Gjibraltarit) dhe rreth 9 mije vjet me pare (11500 vjet para eres sone) u zhduk brenda nje nate dhe dite. Kjo toke qe ishte e permasave te medha pershkruhej nga prifti si nje vend i madh ne perendim te detit Mesdhe i rrethuar nga oqeani Atlantik. Cdo gje ne kete toke qe po e quajme kontinet ishte shume e zhvilluar dhe e perparuar per kohen qe behet fjale. Atlantet pershkruhen si shume paqesore, punetore dhe te afte per tregeti dhe arte zejtarie. Kryeqendra e tyre (Oqeania) ishte dhe kryeqendra e tregetise me vendet e tjera, ishuj dhe kontinente ku mendohet qe atlantet ishin shume te fuqishem ne mardheniet me vendasit. Cdo gje neper qytet e tyre pershkruhet si shume e vecante, pasuri te tera qe dukeshin ne ndertimet dhe ne veshjet e godinave me metale te cmuara dhe te statujave. Anijet e tyre ishin te persosura dhe te perparuara per kohen. Por cdo gje u zhduk brenda nje nate dhe dite.
ndonje ndryshim shume i madh gjeologjik ne ate kohe do kete ndikuar ne permbytjen dhe me pas zhdukjen e plote te Atlantides. Nga pershkrimet per ngjarjen, permbytjet, termetet dhe valet gjigande te oqeanit eshet arritur ne nje konkluzion qe te pakten deri tani eshte nga me te qendrueshmit qe Atlantida eshte zhdukur si pasoje e ndonje shperthimi vullkanin sepse vetem gjate shperthimit vullkanin ndodhin te gjitha ato qe u permenden me siper si faktore te fundosjes se kontinentit.
Persa i perket vendndodhjes se Atlantides ka shume teori por numrin me te madh te mbeshtetesve e ka teoria qe Atlantida mund te kete qene pjese e ishullit te sotem grek Santorini. nga studimet gjeologjike eshte arritur ne perfundim qe perafersisht ne kohen qe pretendohet se ka ndodhur permbytja e Atlantides, ishulli Santorini ne pjesen perendimore te tij ka patur nje zgjatim toke qe vazhdonte per milje te tera. Si rrezultat i shperthimit vullkanik u fundos nje pjese e mire dhe sot kane mbetur vetem dy ishuj te vegjel me origjine vullkanike nga llava e ftohur. Ky detaj perkon edhe me pershkrimin e Platonit.
Misteri i Atlantides eshte bere pikenisje per shume studime dhe eksplorime qe ne kohet e vjetra. Madje dhe shtysa fillestare per Kolombin per te zbuluar kontinentin amerikan, ka qene fillimisht legjenda per Atlantiden.
Teori te cfaredolloji e vendosin Atlantiden ne zona te ndryshme te globit, nga pjesa juglindore e Azise, pjesa perendimore e detit Mesdhe, ishujt Azorre, Ishulli Bimini (Bahamas) dhe ne vende te tjera. Por te gjitha kane si pike te perbashket pranine e oqeanit Atlantik. Me pas do shkruaj edhe dicka tjeter per teori te ndryshme qe lidhen me emertimin e Atlantides dhe shperndarjen gjeografike qe ka ne vende te ndryshme te globit.
Shume shkencetare kane pretenduar qe kane gjetur vendndodhjen e Atlantides por deri me sot askush nuk ka mundur ta provoje. Rasti i vetem qe mund te merret ne konsiderate eshte ai i zbulimit te nje zgjatimi nenujor ne ishullin e Biminit dhe qe ka terhequr shume vemendjen e studiuesve. Aty duken qarte gjurme ndertimesh nga dora e njeriut dhe e nje teknike qe nuk perqaset me ate qe njihet ne zonat perreth apo te ndonje kulture te lashte qe studiohet. Zbulimi i Atlantides ne Bimini eshte parashikuar edhe nga Edgar Cayce, nje Nostradamus i shekullit te 19-20 qe eshte shprehur se ne fund te viteve 60, Atlantida do dali nga uji ne Bimini. natyrisht ajo gje nuk ndodhi dhe as viti nuk perkoi me ate qe tha Cayce por sidoqofte gjurmet qe jane gjetur jane me interes per studim. Ndonese shkenca ka avancuar dhe shkencetaret arrijne ne perfundime duke u bazuar ne studime dhe llogjike shkencore, parashikimi dhe sidomos personi i Edgar Cayce shpesh lidhet me Atlantiden dhe zbulimin e saj.
Ky shkrim mund te konsiderohet si nje hyrje per misterin e Atlantides sepse materiale ka shume dhe do vazhdoj te shkruaj gjera te tjera.
Redaktimi i fundit:
Hollesite e historise se pershkruar nga Platoni per Atlantiden , te cilat u verifikuan edhe nga nxenesit e tij qe vizituan Saisen (egjypt) dhe lexuan vete shkrimet e lashta per kontinentin e zhdukur apo pane hieroglifet per begatine dhe zhdukjen e befasishme te Atlantides, u perzjene gjate shekujve me legjende dhe sidomos me gojedhenen e pergjithshme te perhapur ne te gjithe boten qe flet per nje permbytje te madhe nga e cila shpetuan vetem nje pakice e vogel. Kete mundohen ta argumentojne nga ngjashmeria ne gjuhet e folura ne te dyja anet e Atlantikut, gje qe nuk ka shpjegim tjeter vecse me kontaktin dhe lidhjet qe ekzistonin para kohes se Kolombit, qe te gjitha aludojne per nje kontinent apo ishull te madh ne oqeanin Atlantik prej ku qyteterimi u perhap ne Europe dhe Amerike. Gojedhenat per nje kontinent te humbur dhe kontaktet me nje qyteterim me te vjeter mbeten kaq te forta ne Europe dhe Amerike, sa spanjollet filluan eksplorimet e tyre pertej oqeanit duke shpresuar shume se do te gjenin mbeturinat e Atlantides gjate rruges per ne kontinentin e ri. Kurse acteket dhe popujt e tjere te Amerikes prisnin njerezit e bardhe apo perendi te bardha qe do te ktheheshin prej tokes se humbur qe kishte qene origjina e tyre, te cilen shume popuj te Amerikes e quajne ende "Aztlan". Ngjashmeria e emrave te perdorur prej rracave njerezore te lashtesise per nje ishull te mbytur ne oqeanin Atlantik, per nje Parajse apo toke nga e cila qyteterimi u shpernda ne te gjithe boten e hershme eshte nje faktor qe kontribuon shume ne teorine qe thote se nje toke e tille ka ekzistuar dikur, megjithese nuk eshte nje prove e mjaftueshme. Me poshte po shkruaj nje tabele qe tregon per fuqine e nje emri dhe ruajtjen e tij ne histori, legjenda dhe ne ndergjegjen e popujve te lashte qe jetonin perqark oqeanit Atlantik prej nje periudhe disa mijera vjecare.
Greket - Atlantis Popull qe jetonte ne nje ishull ne oqeanin Atlantik.

Romaket - Atlas Vargmal ne bregun perendimor te oqeanit Atlantikdhe qe vazhdon nen det.

Fenikasit dhe Kartagjenasit - Antilia, Antihla ishull ne oqeanin Atlantik, gjate rrugeve te tyre sekrete ne det.

Egjiptianet - Amenti, Aalu Parajse ne mes te oqeanit perendimor Atlantik.

Babilonasit dhe Sumeret - Aralu Ishull parajse ne perendim te oqeanit Atlantik.

Celtiket e Uellsit - Avalon Ishulli i Parajses ne perendim te oqeanit Atlantik.

Nordiket - Valhalla Parajse ne Perendim.

Celtiket spanjolle - Antilla, Atlantida Qyteterim ne nje ishull te oqeanit Atlantik prane Spanjes.

Berberet dhe popujt e lashte te Afrikes - Atarantes, Atlantioi, Attala Pushtues qe erdhen nga veri-perendimi i Afrikes. Ishulli ne veriperendim, me pare perandori.

Arabet - AD Toka perpara permbytjes ne perendim te Mesdheut.

Guançet (ishujt Kanarie) - Atalaja Perandori e mbytur ne oqeanin Atlantik, ne te cilin benin pjese ishujt Kanarie por qe nuk u mbyten.

Basket - Atalaintika Ishull i mbytur ne oqeanin Atlantik nga ku erdhen basket.

Acteket - Aztlan, AZ Ishull me nje mal te larte ne detin Lindor (oqeani Atlantik), origjina e actekeve.

Maja - Actlan, Atlan Toke qe ekzistonte me pare ne detin e Lindjes nga ku erdhen majate.

Tolteket -Tlapalan Ishull ne Detin e Lindjes, vend i perendive te qyteteruara.

Fiset e Amerikes Veriore, Qendrore dhe bregut Verior te Amerikes Jugore - Atlan

Ishull ne Detin Lindor nga ku erdhen stergjysherit e ketyre fiseve.

Megjithese ne nuk e dime sesi e quanin atlantidasit vendin e tyre, fakti qe ne te gjithe emrat e mesiperm permbahen germat A, T, L, N, nuk eshte pa vlere. Nje dicka tjeter qe te kujton perandorine e zhdukur te detit plotesohet nga fjala "Atl" qe do te thote ujesi ne gjuhen e actekeve te lashte dhe te berbereve te Afrikes Veriore. Nje tregues per emrin e "tokes perpara permbytjeve te medha" mund te na e jape edhe Bibla ku permendet emri i Adamait qe tregon njeriun e pare apo ndoshta rracen e pare njerezore te qyteteruar.
Keto ishin disa fakte qe i referohen emrit te Atlandites dhe shperndarjes se tij gjeografike ne shume vende te botes. Polamika e hapur prej 2500 vjetesh qe nga koha kur Platoni shkroi dialogun e famshem, ka sjelle si rezultat studime kolosale, mbi 25 mije libra te shkruar per kete subjekt dhe ekspedita te pafundme. Deri me sot hipotezat e shumta ose skane arritur te provojne asgje
ose deri diku kane krijuar disA ide te vaketa per vendndodhjen dhe vete ekzistencen e dikurshme te Atlantides.
Ajo qe duhet permendur dhe qe perben edhe shtysen me te forte per te gjithe shkencetaret dhe studiuesit eshte qe, memoria e njerezimit asnjehere nuk ka qene pa baza dhe thjesht fantazi. Kjo eshte pika me e forte ku te gjithe mbahen dhe ushqen deshiren e tyre per kerkime te metejshme.
Atlantida esht thjesht Durresi i fundosur 12 000 vjet me pare.ka qene me tre rathe nje imatacion i syrit te njeriut.Anglishtja e cila esht pergjithesiht esht gjuha e re por ka ne zmeren e saj shume fjale po aq te vjetra sa te shqipes emrin percaktues te qytetit e ka ngaemri "si=sy"-siti si dhe shipja zyrtare qytet=syt-et,ku kemi nje transformim thjesht fonetik te "q" me 's",dhe latinshtja ka po kete origjine" vi,
Une kam degjuar qe Durresi eshte ndertuar mbi qytetin antik dhe per te nxjerre germadhat e tij, duhet shembur i gjithe qyteti i ri.
Por qe te jete Durresi ish Atlandtida eshte nje deklarate shume e forte ver8.
Do doja ndo1 argument apo ndo1 informacion ku te referoheshim. :)
Atlantida esht thjesht Durresi i fundosur 12 000 vjet me pare.ka qene me tre rathe nje imatacion i syrit te njeriut.Anglishtja e cila esht pergjithesiht esht gjuha e re por ka ne zmeren e saj shume fjale po aq te vjetra sa te shqipes emrin percaktues te qytetit e ka ngaemri "si=sy"-siti si dhe shipja zyrtare qytet=syt-et,ku kemi nje transformim thjesht fonetik te "q" me 's",dhe latinshtja ka po kete origjine" vi,

C'jane keta gjera.Flet pa themel per themele
Pse u preke ti?????.ARISTOTELI i famshmem ka percaktuar se nga apollonia derri ne durres banoret vendas jan ATLANTET.Lexo ARISTOTELIN.Shiko prerjen e bregdetit te duurresit qe eshte nje hark perfekt.Emri i qytetit te durresit:
"Epidam nga greqishtja e vjeter ose me sakte nga shqipja persembrapi sepse eshte"MADIPE'" /madhi pe/
Emrat latine durazo=dy reze
dhe me ne fund ne /durres/=dy reze
dhe sa per ate kodi i gjuhes shqipe per i madh ka lidhje me "D" dhe "D" ka lidhje me diellien dhe dielli esht me reze,esht i rumbullaket dhe perendia e shqiptareve ka qen /dielli/ qe ka dhe diten e tij diten e "diel" dhe ka dhe percaktim /djal,djelm/.Lisi nuk behet dot rigon sepse duan ca si puna jote.Prandaj gjuha angleze dhe gjermane ka per emer te diellit dhe emrin e djalit.Prandaj gjuha italiane e ka ndryshue sepse kisha katolike nuk do te zbulohet e fshehta e madhe qe u ndryshua emri i diellit duke u bere nje person jokonkret "dio" dhe e diela u be domenica=do men i ka=eshte me mend,pra njesoj si shqipja =di+el=di dhe gjithe kjo fe me AT dhe AM ku kaluan ne Adam dhe Eva,Adem e ....Numrat,emrat e diteve te javes dhe shumica e fjaleve te gjuhes italiane,angleze,gjermane,ruse,arabe, vijne prej kesa gjuhe e deri ne ameriken latine tek indianet e saj gjen gjurmet.Por jeni ne ate grup ku mendja fosilizohet dhe nuk rutullohet me.
harasho(rusisht)=hair shoh,si te duket.e pamundur rastesi.rastesi esht kur kemi nje,dy ja tre ndodhje por jo mijera ndodhje bile dhe ne ameriken latine kur folja kryesore e te ngrenit(eh sa e vjeter duhet te jete) tek Maya e famshem qe kane kalendarin me preciz dhe mistere te jashtezakonshme eshte "HAN".Ah cna mbyten keto rastesite.Rastesite kur kalojne nje numer te caktuar ndodhje -tquhen ligj.
Po te jap dhe nje tjeter pathemel jashte kesaj teme.meqe populli Italian esht nje popull shume besimtar dhe e respektoj per kete dhe ti jeton ne itali dhe Italia esht nje vend demakratik pas diktatorit musolin me kembenguljen Amerikane(dhe cuditerisht shumica jane antiamerikan) po te dhuroj te lexosh kete "THEM"
Una domanda: che lingua parlava Gesù?
Una prima risposta la possiamo trovare nei quattro Vangeli canonici, che sono stati scritti in un tipo di ????? chiamato Koiné??? Ma la cosa che sorprende è che nei quattro testi canonici che noi conosciamo, sono riportate parole ed espressioni in aramaico???. Quindi l’aramaico(???) era la lingua parlata da Gesù.
E allora succede che leggendo, o ascoltando con attenzione certe parole, o locuzioni pronunciate da Gesù e tramandate nella sua lingua originale, si resta col fiato sospeso. Sono, cioè, considerate, dagli studiosi, come pronunciate dallo stesso Gesù. Effatà!,
Vediamo nella lingua albaneze d’oggi-e+f+ate,(dove abbiammo:1(alb).fill-(ital)inizio,fik-spegnere,f+ik=fillim +ik=vai al inizio,3(alb).flas=parlo,e molte altre parole codice del “f”nella lingua albanese) che vuol dire”e f ate =e Inizia quello", l’espressione con la quale egli guarisce un sordomuto.Ci sone anche altre forme ne lingua Albanese(geg) baj=fare.“e bate\l’avete fatto!”
O anche “Abbà”.Nella lingua Albanese d’oggi abbiamo ”ba=padre”. Ah bbà =ah bba=(ital)ah padre!. l'invocazione con la quale Gesù si rivolge al Padre rivelando, in maniera unica ed irripetibile, la sua intimità con il Padre Celeste.
Possiamo anche aggiungere"Elى, Elى, lemà Sabactani".Nella lingua Albanese d’oggi abbiamo 1.Diell=sole2.e diel=domenica.Diell=di+el=(ital)sapere+el .Nella lingua albanese d’oggi:(alb) lema=(ital) mi lasci.ed l’ultimaa”Sabactani”=sa pak tani=quanto poco adesso. "Elى, Elى, lemà Sabactani", che significa: "Dio, Dio,quanto poco mi lasci adesso"
>>>Cuditerisht e njejta shprehje eshte gjetur dhe tek "maya" ne Ameriken latine
po te jap dhe nje tjeter jashte teme meqe ka te beje me Historine e lavdishme te popullit Italia ate te etruskeve.
La lingua etrusca sarà un mistero se gli maggior linguisti ed etruscologi del nostro tempo non prenderano in considerazione la lingua albanese d’oggi.

Io ho decifrato il cippo di Fiesole (VI secolo a.C) nel modo seguente(non posso scriverlo tutto per proteggere il mio diritto d’autore):
"TULAR M’GURA L FILL UR……..".”Tular m’gur le fillimin..” “Tular con sassi(stone) lasciatto al inizio…………”.
1.(alb)Tul=1. (engl)the soft inside of samething(a fruit,field,)2.(ital)l’interno morbido di qualche cosa(pane,frutta,terra..).
2.(alb)Ar= a type of soil that is especially good for plants to grow in=la terra agricola.
1+2.Tular=(engl)loam=(ital)la parte interno della terra buona per piantare.
In solo questo determinazione la lingua albanese decide:
A.Una confine perche la parola in albanese=“Tul” significha che e’ “inside”.”T” nelle forme”te-to” nella lingua inglese-albanese vuol anche dire “used for stating the place=/shkoj Te=go To/=vado a…Cioè /tul=tu+l/. /(albanian)tu=(engl)to(tu).Cioe’ “tu”=vuol significare iniziare a muovere da un punto extrema “T” dove “x=0” verso interno di un oggetto che nella lingua albanese ha come codice“u”.Il codice “u” della lingua albanese ha questi esempi:
Nell esempio del codice della lingua albanese /“tru”= the organ inside your head/ ,il codice di “u” è molto chiaro.
Nella lingua inglese=stating the saide(from “t” and continue “u”).La parola “continue” nel cuore del suo significato mantiene il codice di “u”/=mettere (alb)ti=“tu” il cono(della visibilita) in “u”=con+ti+n’u.
B.Una terra morbida,buona oppure “loam” nella lingua inglese perchè “tul” dà anche un altra significazione nella lingua albanese,“morbida”=(engl)soft.
Nella lingua albanese d’oggi si usano le due parole “tul”(adjectiv) edhe “ar”(noun) separate.Se per esempio dovremmo usarla insieme oggi si usano: “ar” come noun e “tul” come adjective.Nella forma d’oggi si possono usare insieme e capirlo facilmente da ogni albanese la correlazione “ar+tul” nella forma singolare”ar tul” o plurale “ara tul”.Ci sono altre forme nella lingua albanese come per esempio”tull fare” che significa “molto buona”,”tull=(ital)mattone=(angl)brick.
Conclusione:”TULAR”=e una unità di misura(unit of mesaurment) per la terra agricola oppura nella lingua inglese per la terra “loam”.Forse 5 000 m2.
Nuk eshte shkrimi im, por e gjeta ne internet dhe me sa lexova une ka shum nderlidhje me atlantiden dhe ilirine e atehershme....eshte ne anglisht:(

The lost continent of Atlantis.
Although some scholars argue that it is most likely located some where in the South China Sea, legends, myths and even some hard scientific facts suggest that the lost continent was actually a land mass extending from the oases in Libya all the way north into the Ionian Sea, with Crete as its central massif. Ancient reports are all but reliable, and so are maps. Early maps suggest the earth was a disk, with the land masses arranged almost as rings around a central point, today's Crete. They were, if such a word exists, Cretocentric. The actual outline of coasts was very similar to the layout of Atlantis, with rings of waterways around islands.
Mariners' reports from the past vary in their preciseness: whereas some scholars insist that Scylla and Charybdis were located between the boot of Italy and Sicily, other evidence suggests that Odysseus actually navigated the narrow straights between the southwest coast of Scotland and the Isle of Skye, hence well beyond the Pillars of Atlas, believed to be at the Straight of Gibraltar.
This latter bit of information coincides with the fact that the ancient name for Scotland is and has always been Alba (as in Albania), and a few people even believe that the kilt worn by Highland Scots is derived from the kilted skirts worn by Greek and Albanian men. Not many nations can boast about an ancient and extremely antique history. Most can relate their beginnings as migrations from other continents or places, but not Albania. When an Albanian is asked how and from where their people originated they have no answer. And this is because Albanians are maybe the oldest people to occupy the Mediterranean region, and maybe one of the oldest cultures in world history. They did not migrate or arrive from somewhere else; they just existed in the area known as the Balkans. This in itself guarantees and intricate and eloquent history that is sometimes passed over by many history books.
In the dark and solemn days of the wondrous lands, which would later be called the Balkans, there existed two people. One that would later be known as the Greek people, and the other, the men that would form the nation of Albania. There is a theory of Albanians as descendants of Atlant, the lost continent. One of the oldest Illyrian tribes though was called Taulant (thau land) = dry land and in Asia there was another Illyrian settlement which now is called Thailand. There are three places called Albany 1. A city near London [Albany; it was said that there the first Christian roman soldier was killed] 2. Central Albania [actually Albanoi = Alb banoi - "there lived" Alb or the Alp mountainous people, people that lived in the hill there is no coincidence that the greatest Albanian colony in Asia near China and Turkmenistan is located in very high ground along the longest river called Il 3. A country in Caucasus region near Caspian Sea. Why did Alexander the Great rush to India? Africa was certainly richer in gold and especially in diamonds and it would be much easier to conquer the black nation rather than the populated and well fortified India. Why should he go through so many perils, pass difficult paths through treacherous mountains when he had the great fleet in the Mediterranean when a shortcut to the south would have provided him with the greatest treasures in the world? The explanation is that he followed the path of previous Aryans. If there wasn't any previous expedition towards India he would have never dared to go to a dangerous land. Outnumbered several fold by the indigenous population he marched as if he was sightseeing rather than conquering India. Even by modern means of communication it would have been difficult to travel nowadays so fast through three continents. The truth is that he stopped over in those places where there were old Aryan settlements. The same as today we use gas stations in USA & Europe to tank our car with petrol on a trip to the country side. His losses were so minimal because most of those who died expired under the harsh weather conditions. Alexander too would die from a contagious disease. Illyrian phalanges seemed more like boy scouts than warriors in India. The argument that India didn't know the horse and iron that he brought is nonsense. From recent archaeological data it comes out that India traded gold for iron and other heavy metals with Phoenicians who travelled to African shores before 10,000 years ago, almost 9,500 years before Alexander invaded India. We must remember there is no other language in the world that uses -AR as a suffix at the end of the word regularly as Albanian does for creating a noun from another noun. In other languages you create a noun from an adjective or a verb. There is no other language that uses AR for creating the most important word of all. GOLD. Aryans were called like this because of their fair golden hair. Their skin also sparked like the precious metal. In Albanian language there is another basic word AR which means ploughed land. It is also used by Albanians that founded Troy in Asia Minor. There it used to call Ares. In Europe Albanians used it to call the god of heaven Ouranos which is the distorted Greek word for Aryanus. From this word comes the word ari that Illyrians as good observers of the sky (for that matter they were called Illyrians) used to name the constellation of seven stars near which glitters the North Pole. "i lir" means free in Albanian and "yll" means star. Is in Arabic Aryan is pronounced with a strong rr. Why? Because it is not an Arabic word. How could Aryans be Iranian tribes as historians insist when they were called the white invaders of India? The white man is the heir of the Alpine hominoid found in Neanderthal [ne ander dal = ridiculously enough this German name can be translated I come from the dream in Albanian language]. Most of historians were of Greek origin. For them history starts 3000 years ago when they can trace the first sings of Greek civilisation. They forget that humans were not created in one single day. It was a long process of evolution. It took millions of years for the white man to have the same aspect as it is today. It is very strange that Albanian name is preserved in very cold and high grounds. One might suspect that if the Albanians or Aryans are the direct descendants of the ruined continent, they must be afraid of the low lands. Albanian never retreated to the mountains from the countless enemies. The truth is the greatest resistance has been organised in Epirus against Rome. Epirus is not a mountainous area. The greatest spread of Dalmatians took place along the shores of Adriatic. Etruscans too settled in the most fertile land of Italy. It seems that primitive Albanians were found of the mountains in the beginning of their settlements in Illyrian peaks. In Montenegro and Crete (Southern Island of Greece) there are the only Illyrian look-alike race with curly blond hair and rose coloured face. Although they spread also in warm countries. This is the reason that in Africa there was a nation called Elyria. My guess is that this group of ancient Albanians created the half white race of Arabs. But the bulk of white people moved towards highest peaks of Euro-Asia. The greatest puzzle of all is the history of Denmark. This country was called Jutland. I found this place quite accidentally as I was looking for other places in Europe that had similar toponymy as that one used in Albanian saga Epos I Kreshnikeve. I found out that in India the word Krishna was the name of a god. In Albania Kreshte comes from the composite krye eshte which means the head of the tribe or the peak of a mountain. While we in the bible call Christos Krisht, in Albania heroes are called Kreshnike. Well there are two words in the bible with Aryan origin that nobody until now has ever explained. They are called Urimm and Thummim. They were two stones that Moses inserted in his ephod. They were used like dice on the ground to talk with the El god. (Yll = El in Arabia and Africa) these two stones are the greatest mystery of the bible. No other language has helped the researchers of the Bible to solve it. Why? Because no serious historian has ever studied Albanian language which is the only language in the world to have a separate group of clauses called Deshirore or Mallkimore. It is similar to the imperative because it is used at the beginning only in the second person. Nowadays you can also use for literal effects in the first, second and third person singular and plural. Well urim is Deshirore and it comes from the word Ouranus. Only in Albanian language you address somebody with O which is called thirror. To this day the priest is called urate. The blessing that he pronounces and also any kind of blessing, even that spelled by your father is called urate. The second word is Thummim which means Mallkim - curse. So coming back to the story of Albanian heroes that were called Christos or kreshnike, I found that many geographic names used in the epos were also places in Scandinavian countries. In Finland there was the region of Lapp when we know that all south Albanians are called Lap (lab). Llap=tongue & talk too much. I was shocked when I found around 300 basic Albanian words in Finnish vocabulary. Lap in Finnish is derogative and insulting word. Probably the new comers from Asia despised the primitive old Albanian race. The greatest surprise was Denmark which was once called Ylland (Yl + land) = yll - star & land (lende-material, especially wooden matter) and also name of the tribe Tau-land. No wonder that Alexander the Great used the same Viking helmet with the horns of a bull. Well, in the south of Ylland lived the tribes of Angles or Engjells who invaded England. That is why the infinitive of English is so close with the clauses that Albanian language considers lidhore. That is the reason that the verb to be changed into are in Plural. The very word engjel - angel reminds us that the ancient people believed that eagles were the company of gods. Zeus the God of Gods, an Illyrian god had an eagle as his guard. Zot=God is in use nowadays. Today very often Zeus was transformed into an eagle. In the bible the ark of Moses was surrounded by the flying creatures. Amphisbena the strange creature found in BESTIARY THE SECOND FAMOUS BOOK AFTER THE BIBLE (in Greek Amphi means double) was an eagle with the body of a snake and if we look carefully the Albanian eagle has the tongue of a snake and the old symbol had a very prolonged body). It was born In Helio-polis in Egypt where the sun god El or Yl in Illyrian was worshipped.
At one point, some may even argue that Atlantis was just a metaphor for a perfect Europe, similar to the socio-economic analysis and criticism presented in Gulliver's Travels to the various lands with different cultures.
Dorians formed the Hellenic states, which is an early Illyrian tribe moving forward.
Redaktimi i fundit:
The origin of the early Cretan population remains a mystery, as the Pelasgian / Illyrian (Eastern Mediterranean) type, also at home in Cyprus, bore no racial resemblance to the Egyptians and other North-African peoples, nor to the peoples and tribes in the Near and Middle East (Semitic). The island of Crete was most likely settled in the 6th millennium BC, and it soon was densely populated. Cretans soon travelled north to mainland Greece, Asia Minor and elsewhere to establish settlements and trading posts there.

From The History, c. 430 B.C., I.56-59

Herodotus on the Pelasgians and the Early Greeks
[Herodotus, The History of Herodotus, George Rawlinson, tr., vol. 1 (New York: D. ******on and Company, 1885), Book 1; and vol. 2 , book 3].

56. .......and sought to ascertain by inquiry which was the most powerful of the Grecian states. His inquiries pointed out to him two states as pre-eminent above the rest. These were the Lacedaemonians (the Spartans) and the Athenians, the former of Doric the latter of Ionic blood. And indeed these two nations had held from very early times the most distinguished place in Greece, the one being a Pelasgic the other a Hellenic people, and the one having never quitted its original seats, while the other had been excessively migratory; for during the reign of Deucalion, Phthiotis was the country in which the Hellenes dwelt, but under Dorus, the son of Hellen, they moved to the tract at the base of Ossa and Olympus, which is called Histiaeotis; forced to retire from that region by the Cadmeians,[1] they settled, under the name of Macedni, in the chain of Pindus. Hence they once more removed and came to Dryopis; and from Dryopis having entered the Peloponnese in this way, they became known as Dorians.

57. What the language of the Pelasgi was I cannot say with any certainty. If, however, we may form a conjecture from the tongue spoken by the Pelasgi of the present day, - those, for instance, who live at Creston above the Tyrrhenians, who formerly dwelt in the district named Thessaliotis, and were neighbours of the people now called the Dorians, - or those again who founded Placia and Scylace upon the Hellespont, who had previously dwelt for some time with the Athenians, - or those, in short, of any other of the cities which have dropped the name but are in fact Pelasgian; if, I say, we are to form a conjecture from any of these, we must pronounce that the Pelasgi spoke a barbarous language. If this were really so, and the entire Pelasgic race spoke the same tongue, the Athenians, who were certainly Pelasgi, must have changed their language at the same time that they passed into the Hellenic body; for it is a certain fact that the people of Creston speak a language unlike any of their neighbours, and the same is true of the Placianians, while the language spoken by these two people is the same; which shows that they both retain the idiom which they brought with them into the countries where they are now settled.

58. The Hellenic race has never, since its first origin, changed its speech. This at least seems evident to me. It was a branch of the Pelasgic, which separated from the main body and at first, was scanty in numbers and of little power; but it gradually spread and increased to a multitude of nations, chiefly by the voluntary entrance into its ranks of numerous tribes of barbarians. The Pelasgi, on the other hand, were, as I think, a barbarian race which never greatly multiplied.

Addition from another later historian
1. The Cadmeians were the Graeco-Phoenician race (their name merely signifying "the Easterns"), who in the ante-Trojan times, occupied the country which was afterwards called Boeotia. Hence the Greek tragedians, in plays of which ancient Thebes is the scene, invariably speak of the Thebans.

This text, if read carefully to the end you will understand that ancient Greece was inhabited by two native nations, the Pelasgi and the Hellen. These may have very early commonalities but Hellenic may have been mixed with Cadmian or other nations during their migrations. It also happens that the Phoenician alphabet is strangely similar to Greek compared to other alphabets of the time, which supports the idea that Helens in Athens were mixed or quite possibly assimilated by those Greaco-phoenicians called Cadmians or easteners. So even though it is true that Greece is a very old nation, the Greek language that we know did not necessarily belong to the natives, but Albanian has not had such Asian influence and is likely to be an even truer descendant of the Pelasgi.

Anyway, we know that Macedonians and the Spartans were Dorians or Pellasgians, not Hellena, and definitely not Cadmians, so they do not belong to the Greek history. Herodotus makes it clear that Pelasgians spoke a different language altogether and not just a different dialect; he logically defends this very argument.
Therefore we know that Spartans and Macedonians were probably Illyrian

I know my explanation and the text by Herodotus can be confusing at first glance, so I will try to bring a sequential description of what he mentions to explain how I came to the conclusions above.

First of all I will tell you why I have researched this topic. A few years back, a very close friend of mine who is half Albanian - half Greek, suggested that Greeks had originated from the Phoenicians (Fenikasit ne shqip) His grandfather being such a Greek nationalistic that he would teach my friend the old Greek as well as the new, something very few Greeks do, my friend knew a lot about these things despite being only 14 at the time and obviously I was annoyed by his Greek "research reports" when there was nothing better to talk about. You can understand why i ignored his theories at the time.

A few years later, in a Canadian library I read an article in an encyclopaedia about different ancient writing letters or alphabets, and what I observed and what the encyclopaedia said was that, of all the alphabets, the Phoenician alphabet was very similar to the Hellenic (and older than the Hellenic) therefore it was possible that the Hellenic alphabet and language were heavily influenced by the Phoenician language. Remembering what I had been told before, I gained curiosity. I believe it was from the same encyclopaedia that I found out the Phoenicians were a nation also responsible for the "Carthaginian Empire" but I am not absolutely certain about this as i don't remember the source. (Kartagjena qe luftoi 3 luftra kunder Romes). Very much like the Greeks they were a trading nation where ship trade was a great source of revenue. Consider that Greeks were also spread around the Mediterranean and especially in Southern minor Asia and the Aegean, given the similarities in language alphabet, and economy, tradition, way of life, and demographic spread patterns, isn't it at least plausible that they were one nation at least in origin. Herodotus mentions the cadmians who were Phoenicians, also called easteners, as a political force in mainland Greece strong enough to repel the small migratory tribe of the Helens.

If Helens were a Pelasgi tribe, how is it possible that a small tribe could assimilate the majority around them, whereas the Cadmians who’s most important city of Thebes, not far from Athens, is no longer mentioned. If Helens were a Pelasgi tribe that moved around a lot in the midst of other Pelasgian tribes they had no reason to change their language in a separate branch if they were still in contact with just other Pelasgian tribes. There must have been another influence, backed by all that I mentioned above, that influence must have been the Cadmians, a large Phoenician tribe with the trade networks to allow for strong growth and powerful enough to repel the Helens, influences of which are found in the language and alphabet of Greece today. Unfortunately other Phoenicians have not survived to allow for a better language comparison.

Herodotus states that he believes that Helens may have multiplied greatly. This last extension about the Helens multiplying and not changing their language is only his belief and almost 800 years have passed since the Trojan War when Helens migrated. Here I think that Herodotus is using his better judgement to not create controversy among fellow Greeks whom would be outraged had he suggested that the Greeks living in Greece at the time were foreign in origin. Herodotus was Greek after all. And besides, we are lucky about this. If he had said Greeks were foreigners, chances are his book would not have survived as it would have not been kept in any Greek library. Maybe there were other historians who wrote about this possibility but their books may have been lost. We know that Constantine was an Albanian with complete certainty. He believed to be a descendant of Achilles and Alexander the Great. Was he tapping into some other historical sources we today do not have.

What we know about the Phoenicians and Greeks is that during prospering trade their revenue was not limited by agriculture only, so this allowed population growth as is mentioned about Greece as well as carthage by many historians who considered Greek places as very densely populated. In fact Greece was so densely populated that it colonized Egypt with the city of Alexandria reaching half a million people and dozens of cities in Sicily. Carthage was also known to get "abnormal" population growth were Romans were alarmed at how quickly Carthage had recovered and also become a metropolis of half a million in a short period due to prospering trade. Isn't it possible that such growth by Cadmians could make them dominant in the small land of Greece, quickly overshadowing the Helens, than slowly assimilating the rest of the Pelasgians. (At this time these two nations (Greek vs. Carthage) had grown fairly distinct and were not confused by Romans, especially since Carthage, a colony in Africa was overflowed with Lybians.) (Libia e sotme).

My belief is that the Phoenicians were present in many parts of Greece since 4000 years ago, and, as a trading nation they slowly crept up in coastal trading Greek cities slowly gaining dominance over large regions and swallowing the Helens and later after settling with the Helens in Sparta they also outnumbered Spartans and eventually assimilated them also.

Could this population pressure from these foreigners cause the Spartans to resort to a military society???

After the "new Greeks" settled in Sparta and coastal cities of Macedonia, they obviously took on the name Dorian accordingly, ... and I am thankful that Herodotus points this out so that the misunderstanding of greekologists today is plainly clarified: One name, two different nations in different time frames. The same must have been true of Helens and Cadmians, as was later true of macedonians living near the Aegean coast.

In addition, given that Pelasgians still lived as a minority is all parts of Greece, we know that Phillip, a barbarian, a Pelasgian, a Dorian, who did not speak Greek, claimed Greek origin as well as the right to own the land now controlled by these new Greeks. Alexander who kept the Iliad like a bible, lashed out at Cadmians when they tried to rebel (Thebes being a purely Cadmian city, while Athens still was recognized to have a Pelasgian identity at least in origins, according to Herodotus) by killing all people inside Thebes to reassure them he had no intention of tolerating them if they did not recognize him as the rightful owner of Greece. In fact it was this very nationalistic propaganda that made Greeks weary of Phillip, and later, hateful of Alexander, even though today’s' Greek historians will try to hide this fact as much as they can despite numerous quotes proving it.
E ke za ket=ekzaktli.Po,por un ndonjehere pa e lexuar me duket sikur e kam lexuar dikur.. ose diku
Mire Bledi,esht Korca.

orakull mos fol me ironi se ste fola ashtu.
atlantida sado qe duam ne te jete ne shq nuk ka qene aty se deti adriatik para shume kohesh ka qene nje liqen i mbyllur si puna e liq te pogradeecit.
kur te kem kohe do ti sjell ca foto se tani skam.
atlantida dyshohet te kete qene afer trekendeshit te bermudeve,prandaj dhe ne te sotmen aty ka ndodhi te cuditshme qe kane lidhje me terheqjen nga poshte.
atlantida ka qene e rethuar me det te madh dhe te pafund,ka qene nje ishull/shtet,nuk ka mundesi te kete qene ne durres se durresi ka qene i bashkuar[ me italine.
te tjerat me vone :)
Perse Durresi ?

Gjate mijevjecareve legjenda e Atlantites apo miti i saj eshte transmetuar deri ne ditet tona me gjithe madheshtine dhe bukurine qe ofron kjo histori sa njerezore aq edhe hyjnore.Shume historiane dhe studjues kan mare mbi kurrizin e tyre misionin e deshifrimit apo lokalizimit te ketij qyteti qe ka frymezuar shume breza filozofesh artistesh ,kinematografesh dhe mbi te gjitha hulumtuesish amatore dhe profesionist.
Qyteti i famshem eshte lokalizuar pothuajse ne te tere cepat e botes se njohur.Ne Evrope ne Afrike ne Azi ne Kine ne Ameriken Latine bile edhe jashte planetit tone ne hapesiren kozmike dhe duke i dhene emrit te ketij civilizimi nje nocion alien.LOL.Megjithese une besoj se shumica e ketyre njerezve qe i jane perkushtuar zbulimit te shekullit kane synime te sinqerta dhe njerezore ne kete sfide Titanike,me duhet te pohoj se ne nje pjese shume te madhe te studimeve reth kesaj teme verej nje tendence jo normale dhe jo te ndershme per ta ridikulizuar dhe denigruar kete teme nga burimi i saj origjinal (qe eshte padyshim Ballkani) dhe spostuar ate ne cepa te ndryshme te globit me qellime te paracaktuara dashakeqe.Quajeni po te doni edhe konspirocion planetar qe frymezimin e mer nga qarqet shovene qe sja vlen bara qirane ti permend. Eshte fakt se ne bote ka dhe ka patur civilizime te perngjashme me ate te Atlantides por asnjera prej tyre nuk i perputhet asaj ne kohe dhe hapesire.Personalisht mendoj se ato qe kembengulin ne ekzistencen e Atlantides Brenda kornizave te Mesdheut jane njerez me vision te qarte dhe te sinqerte qe meritojne respektin e gjithe banoreve te ketij pellgu.
Une mbi te gjitha mendoj se vetem Mesdheu i permbush te tera kushtet per ekzistene e qytetit te Atlantides.Njekohesisht besoj se ky qytet mund te ndodhet vetem ne themelet e qytetit te lashte antic te Durresit.Le te bejme nje permledhje te asaj c,ka une kam konstatuar,

1.Emri Atlantis mund te perkthehet vetem nga gjuha iliro-shqiptare.
At=Babe , Land=Dhe,toke, pra kemi nje fjale shume te njohur ne gjuhen tone Atdhe.
2.Ngjashmeria mahnitese midis emrit dhe historise se fisit te Atlantidasve me ate te Taulanteve.
2.Permasat e qytetit te Atlantides sipas Platos perputhen plotesisht me ate te Gjirit te Durresit (une mendoj se gjiri i Durresit eshte skeleti i jashtem i mbetur i qytetit te Atlantides).Sipas Platonit distanca midis qendres se qyteti dhe kanalit apo pjeses se jashtme te saj ishte 50stad= 7.5 km.Rrezaj e gjirit te Durresit ka po kete distance.Mund te kete nje tolerance prej disa metrash ,por hej Platoni sigurisht qe nuk e ka matur ate as nga toka as nga sateliti .Ne mundemi.
3.Atlantida u permbyt si pasoje e nje termeti te fuqishem i shoqeruar nga vale te fuqishme cunami.Durresi e ploteson kete skenar me se miri pasi eshte tronditur nga termete te fuqishme per shekuj te tere dhe permbytur me dhjetra here nga valet e furishme te Adriatikut.Vlen te permendim faktin se qyteti i Durresit ndodhet majft prane vijes ndarese te dy pllakave tektonike te Evropes dhe Afrikes gje kjo qe e ben ate shume vulnerable ndaj termeteve te fuqishme te proporcioneve biblike.Ne shek 11te mbas Krishtit kemi te dokumentuar nje termet te ketij lloji te shoqeruar me permbytje te furishme qe e detyroi popullsine e asaj kohe te zhvendodej e tera ne qytetin e Beratit derisa ujrat u terhoqen perseri.
4.Nga fotot satelitore dallohet mjafte mire forma e PERKRYER rethore e gjirit te Durresit.Nje forme e tille veshtire se me mund te kete per autoresi forcat naturore.
5.Po nga fotot satelitore dallohen mjaft qarte urat lidhese ne veri te Gjirit te Durresit qe shume kush i identifikon me muret rethuese te qytetit ne fjale.Por permasat Ciklope te tyre te bejne te dyshosh mjafte ne funksionin e tyre te vertete.Gjersia e ketyre mureve eshte vertete e jashtezakonshme.Ana Komnena thoshte ne shek 11 te mbas krishtit se mbi keto “mure” mund te kaloronin 4 kalores perbri njeri tjetrit pa asnje lloj problemi.Me te vertete edhe muri Kines do te dukej si nje gardh zungthi perpara tyre.Ndaj une them se ato nuk jane mure por udhet dhe rruget lidhese te zonave te ndryshme te qytetit te Atlantides.Faktet jane vizive dhe nuk kerkojne shume shkence por vetem perqendrim dhe vullnet te mire per te pranuar fakte te tilla.Ju mund ti matni vete keto mure me ane te opsionit “meter” ne programin Google Earth.Sigurisht duhet te dini te perdorni kompjuterin .Titulli “akademik shkence” eshte optional.Ne rast se ju e beni kete do te shikoni se permasat e ketyre “mureve” me gjeresi arijne deri ne 30m.

6.Shume kush mendon se historia e Platonit per Atlantiden eshte nje fiction apo trillim i tij.Ne qofte keshtu Ai(Platoni) paska qene vertete i marre kur ne historine e tij ka patur kurajon te implikoje Solonin (shtetar,poet,klerik babai i kulures helene),Crician (shtetar,diktator,persecutor i Sokratit,xhaxhai i vete Platonit,kryetar i diktatures Athinase te famekeqes “diktatura e te tridhjeteve” etj,etj).Vete Sokratin (Platoni ishte nxenes i tij).Por mbi te gjitha a ka mundesi qe Platoni te vinte ne “rrezik” reputacionin e tij te jashtezakonshem si filozof,gjeni letrave dhe shtetar i perkryer fale ligjeve dhe ideve te tij politike, me nje histori te tille te shpikur apo trilluar jo prej tij por prej Solonit dhe diktuar prej Cricias.Une besoj se jo.Po ju?
7.Ne historine e Platos Athinasit jane interactive me Atlantidasit ,Ato shkembejne madhra midis tyre .Anijet Athinase vizitojne portet e Atlantidasve dhe anasjelltas.Athinasit luftojne kunder Atlantidasve dhe e fitojne edhe luften.Kjo te ben te mendosh dhe te besosh se Atlantidasit ishin te pakten nje popull qe zonen e influences se tyre e kishin me pellgun e Mesdheut.
8.Shume veta spekullojne me permasat apo formen e teritorit te Atlantides.Por Platoni eshte mese i qarte ne tregimin e tij qofte kjo edhe me detaje gje qe te ben shume te dyshosh ne tezen se e tere kjo histori eshte nje trillim.Qyteti I Atlantides ishte nje ishull artificial (kemi edhe disa situate habitore te tij sesi njeriu mund te krijonte nje qytet te tille) ndersa teritori ku shtrihej perandoria e saj kishte permasat e Libise(Afrika Veriore)+Azine eVogel.
Arsyetoni edhe vete se ckuptim mund te kishte nje qytete ishull ne nje teritor apo “continent” Ishull.WOW.Nje ishull Brenda nje ishulli.Tip kutije kineze apo jo.?LOL. Perse Atlantidasit duhej te krijonin nje ishull artificial si qytetin etyre kur ata jetonin vete ne nje ishull.Nuk ka llogjik nuk ka as sens.Qyeti I Atlantides ishte dicka e ngjashme me Venecian e sotme ndersa teritori i saj (Zona e Influences) ishte relative ne funksion te zgjerimit apo tkurrjes se pushtimeve te saj ne pellgun e Mesdheut.

Me vija te pergjthshme kjo eshte cka ju mund te gjeni ne kete blogsite.
Hej une nuk jam profesionist.Cka do te thote nuk kam diplome as te historianit apo te arkeologut.Profesionistat shqiptare apo te huaj le te qendrojne rehat ne kullat e tyre te fildishte dhe le ti mbajne idete e tyre si relike derisa te shkojne ne ate bote.Ne mos gaboj jane teologet “profesionste” ata qe e vertetojne ekzistencen e botes se pertejme dhe historianet “profesioniste” ato qe vertetojne ekzistencen e vete Jezu Krishtit.Mbretit te mbretnise se amshume.Une si amator nuk kam probleme me to.Por ju lutem shume profesionisteve te mos jene edhe aq profesioniste sepse diploma vetem nje here meret.Ajo cka eshte e rendesishme eshte se si perdor njohurite e tua ne jete ne funksion te se mireqenies kolektive.Ndryshe , hej, piji lengun diplomes apo librave te tua “shkencor” qe si hyjne me ne pune as femijve te kopshtit qe jane duke evoluar me shpejte se vet idete tuaja.Personalisht njohe nje femije qe ne moshen 4 vjecare flet shkelqyeshem 3 gjuhe perfshi ketu edhe shqipen.Jemi ne epoken e internetit dhe keta akademik mendojne dhe veprojne si ne kohen e Epokes Se Erret.
Lexim te kendshem.........
Dhe Aristoteli esht shume i sakte.Ne forumin per gjuhen Etruske une kam bere nje zberthim te sakte te shkrimit te aristotelit per vendodhjen e qytetit te Bolsen.Zberthimin e kame bere drejtperdrejte prej gjuhes shqipe.Pasi kam mbaruar zberthimin nga gjuha Shqipe jam habit kur kam hap harten e Italise.Nuk e dija se ku ishte qyteti i Bolsenes.Kete zberthim e ka hedh dhe ne kete sit ne gjuhen Italiane por nuk e mbaj mend ne c'teme.
Titulli: Atlantida, misteri i kontinentit te zhdukur

Atlantida esht thjesht Durresi i fundosur 12 000 vjet me pare.ka qene me tre rathe nje imatacion i syrit te njeriut.Anglishtja e cila esht pergjithesiht esht gjuha e re por ka ne zmeren e saj shume fjale po aq te vjetra sa te shqipes emrin percaktues te qytetit e ka ngaemri "si=sy"-siti si dhe shipja zyrtare qytet=syt-et,ku kemi nje transformim thjesht fonetik te "q" me 's",dhe latinshtja ka po kete origjine" vi,

Jo,bled bera shaka.Tek Durresi ndani gjerat kemi nje Supozim.

Ne nje teme dy postime ne kundrshtim me njera tjetren:Eshte apo jo Durresi KONTINENTI I ZHDUKUR ?
Titulli: Atlantida, misteri i kontinentit te zhdukur

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o orakulli me qe ke nje mani te deformosh cdo fjale dhe mendon se pershtatet cdo fjale dhe kuptimin e merr ne shqip po deri diku te jap mese te drejte por di mor njeri e kerkon shume kete pershtatje dhe nuk eshte rstesi qe kan vertet nje kuptim ato qe thua por rastesia nuk egzistone dhe ti ate rastesi e kerkon gjat gjith kohes
per sa i perket fjales diell qe me beri pershtypje mos mund ta deformojme dhe ne djall (satana) cfar do te thote kjo qe ne jemi bijte e djallit po ti drejtohemi bibles(zanafilles)nje liber i respektuar dhe shum i deformuar dhe keq interpretuar gjat gjith koherave??!!!!
dhe nese atlantida do te ishte durresi po te pakten nuk e di sa i informuar mund te jesh nga gjeografia e pergjithshme fizike dhe antropologjia por ne kete periudhe domethene perpara 11500 apo me shume plus minus ka qene fundi i cretacios domethene fundi i epokes se akullnajes gje qe e bene qe 78% i hemisferes veriore ka qene i mbuluar me akull dhe nje klime me nje dimer te acarte .kush do te ishte ai popull qe do te preferonte kete vend me nje jetes ekstreme kush do ishte ky popull qe mund te kishte ke territor qe te donte???
me duken paksa te egzagjiruara keto deformime fjalesh per te arritur tek gjuha jone dhe origjina e gjith gjuheve te tjera duke provuar qe ne jemi trashegimtaret me besnike te rraces se bardhe.
nuk duhet hedhur poshte per asnje arsye ne bote kjo menyr shkencore shum interesante dhe shum bindese deri diku por te mos e teprojme se po te fillojme te pershtasim gjuhen tone me gjuhet e tjera do te mund te fillojne dhe greket ,arabet,etiopianet.ckamakaguat mongolet hanet.............etj etj popuj te rendesishem ne historin e njerezimit
faleminderit per mirkuptimin
Shume e bukur kjo teme por sdi cfare te them...
Tung e paci
tung nga eri zajes shume bukul qeka qikjo tema po dakort me antarete mi jam dhe une
tung nga eri zajes
zv/admin i forumit
Titulli: Atlantida, misteri i kontinentit te zhdukur

atlantida eshte pak e mundur te jete duresi i sotem pasi qe ekzistjone shume teza se atlantida eshte kontinenti i amerikes .E vetmja menyre per ta marr vesh eshte keshtu profeti edgar kajs kishte thene ne njeren profeci te tij se ne monumentin e sfinkses ishte nje dere ku permes saj mund te hyej e te gjehen faktet per fundosjen e atlantides. Ne vazhdim do paraqes edhe fakte tjera ose edhe neser
Redaktimi i fundit:
Titulli: Atlantida, misteri i kontinentit te zhdukur

Pse s'mund te jete Durresi, dhe pse Atlantida s'ka ekzistuar fare?

Mesa di une Plato e pershkruan Atlantisin me te madh se azia e vogel dhe libia te marra se bashku, ajo s'mund te jete Atlantis.

Kontradikta e madhe e Platos eshte Athina dhe Atlantida(mosperputhja ne kohe). Tribute me te vjetra u ngulen ne athine(pellasge) qe ne kohen e neolitikut 3500 vjet para krishtit, por nisi te marre trajten e nje qyteti vetem ne epoken mikenase, pra me vone, per te arritur kulmin e lulezimit ne shekullin e 5 para krishtit.
Sipas mitit Athina u themelua nga mbreti Cecrops, gjysem njeri gjysem gjarper, reptilian menjefjale.
Atlantis ka qene(thot ai) 9 mije e ca vjet perpara tij.

Konkursi Letërsisë

  • Endacaku

    Votat: 3 33.3%
  • Ky qytet i trisht.

    Votat: 2 22.2%
  • Ndjenjë

    Votat: 1 11.1%
  • Pas gjurmëve të shiut

    Votat: 3 33.3%