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Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?


Publikuar: 15:51 / 19.03.2014


Për dy ditë do të ndodhë goditja e një asteroidi në Tokë, shkruajnë blogerët në tërë botën. Gjithë këtë debat e “nxeh” më shumë CNN, si dhe Agjencia Reuters, të cilat më 2003 kanë paralajmëruar se më 2014 ekziston rreziku që Toka të goditet nga një asteroid.

Nëse i besohet CNN-it, nëse ndodh goditja me asteroidin e quajtur "2003 QQ47", kjo do të ketë efekt sikur Tokën ta goditnin 20 bomba që janë hedhur në Hiroshimë.

Ekspertët që e kanë dhënë këtë informatë, thonë se ky asteroid përbëhet nga copa shkëmbi gjatë krijimit të sistemit diellor, të krijuar para 4.5 miliardë vitesh.

Ky asteroid momentalisht është larg Tokës, ndërsa gjendet mes Marsit dhe Jupiterit. Por, ndikimi i gravitetit si i planetit të madh Jupiter, mund t’ia ndryshojë orbitën e ta drejtojë tek Toka.

Megjithatë, shumica e ekspertëve thonë se gjasat e goditjes janë: 1:250000. /Telegrafi/
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

hajt per hajer i qofte...
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Hajer pac paku i kemi edhe 24 ore te postojme ne FV hahhaha
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Shih, se paku te na leje me gezu diten e pranveres :nxef:s'na paska mbet dhe shume jo ;)
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Hajer pac paku i kemi edhe 24 ore te postojme ne FV hahhaha

Mbreme fola me kete copen e asteroidit dhe me tha se inatin e kishte me ameriken...shqiperine po e le edhe ca mbi dhe' tha...:P

qe kshu gezoni ca me shume
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

bobo, e une qe kisha aq shume plane :qan:
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Mbreme fola me kete copen e asteroidit dhe me tha se inatin e kishte me ameriken...shqiperine po e le edhe ca mbi dhe' tha...:P

qe kshu gezoni ca me shume

Hahha, pse jo me Rusine qe aneksoi Krimen...

Nese godet Ameriken, kam frike se neve na hedh perpjete dhe me gjase mund te behemi banore te Henes apo Marsit...hahhaaa
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

bobo, e une qe kisha aq shume plane :qan:

prandaj sduhet me bo plane o Luis se ja si te vjen asteroidi e ti djeg .

hajt mos u merzit :P
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

E me mo tani e gjeti qe do udhetoj une? Lol

Keto jane shenjaaaaa nga larttttt lol
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Prap Telegrafi qenka burimi ...sdi pse nuk i besoj asgje une ketij ::kafe::
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Ti lejm shnetin atyre qe do lejm mrapa
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Jo tashi e besoj komplet ,,,qe do vije fundi i botes sepse Losst qenka bere me jeshile :(
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Shif se nese sdo perplaset do hedh ne gjygj telegrafin :D
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Ne ç'ore perafersisht a dihet ,.,te mos shkoj ne pune te pakten.
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Faqja zyrtare e NASA nuk ka asnje info per kete lajm.
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Asteroids come and go, and some leave a very lasting mark on the Earth. Back in 2003 when Asteroid 2003 QQ47 was first discovered scientists projected that this giant doomsday asteroid would strike the earth with the force of 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs. There was plenty of talk about this asteroid back then.

asteroid_zoom%5B1%5D.jpg - Giant asteroid could hit Earth in 2014 - Sep. 2, 2003

March 26, 2014, (March 21, 2014 the original date of impact) Asteroid 2003 QQ47 will be in our solar system’s orbit at about 49.9 million LD. What was the situation that had scientists believing this was a dangerous event, and then to change the warning sent out from a threat to a non-threat about this asteroid.

Shiko fotografinë 1831243

Asteroid 2003 QQ47's Potential Earth Impact in 2014 Ruled Out

NASA did some recalculation back in September 2003 ruling out impact on the earth of Asteroid 2003 QQ47 but its been 11 years since its discovery. And the wait is over.

melbrake | Just another site
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Meqe s'po iu perlqejne lajmet nga Telegrafi...ja lexoni me poshte:

(143649) 2003 QQ47

(143649) 2003 QQ47 (also written 2003 QQ47) is an asteroid which became briefly notable upon its discovery in late August 2003 when media outlets played up a very preliminary report that it had a 1 in 250,000 chance of impacting into Earth on March 21, 2014.[4]

2003 QQ47 was discovered on 24 August 2003.[1] 2003 QQ47 was added to the Sentry Risk Table on 30 August 2003.[4] By 31 August 2003 (with an observation arc of 7 days) the odds of an impact on 21 March 2014 were already reduced to 1 in 1.7 million.[2] 2003 QQ47 was removed from the Sentry Risk Table on 14 September 2003 so there is no risk of an impact by it in the next 100 years.[5]

It is known that 2003 QQ47 will safely pass 0.1283 AU (19,190,000 km; 11,930,000 mi) from Earth on March 26, 2014.[3][6] With an observation arc of 10 years and an orbital uncertainty of 0, its orbit and future close approaches are well determined.[3]

Preliminary reports

On 3 September 2003 a NASA press release wrote,
"Newly discovered asteroid 2003 QQ47 has received considerable media attention over the last few days because it had a small chance of colliding with the Earth in the year 2014 and was rated a "1" on the Torino Impact Hazard Scale, which goes from 0 to 10. The odds of collision in 2014, as estimated by JPL's Sentry impact monitoring system, peaked at 1 chance in 250,000, a result which was posted on our Impact Risk Page on Saturday, August 30, 2003. Impact events at the Torino Scale 1 level certainly merit careful monitoring by astronomers, but these events do not warrant public concern. In fact, each year several newly discovered asteroids reach Torino Scale 1 for a brief period after discovery; 2003 QQ47 is the fourth such case this year. On September 2, 2003, new measurements of 2003 QQ47's position allowed us to narrow our prediction of its path in 2014, and thus we could rule out any Earth impact possibilities for 2014."[4]
(143649) 2003 QQ47 has a diameter of approximately 1.24 km, and a mass of approximately 2.0×1012 kg. If it were to hit the Earth, it would be a major event, with an energy of approximately 350,000 megatons of TNT (1.5 ZJ), enough to cause global damage.

Dr. Sara Russell, a meteorite researcher at London's Natural History Museum, told the BBC on 2 September 2003 that she was not worried that (143649) 2003 QQ47 would be a danger.
"The odds are very, very low... We have to keep some kind of perspective," she said.[7]
As a result of the press coverage of asteroids such as (143649) 2003 QQ47, astronomers are now planning to re-word the Torino scale, or to phase it out completely in favour of a scale which is less likely to generate false alarms which may reduce public confidence in genuine alerts.
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Asteroids come and go, and some leave a very lasting mark on the Earth. Back in 2003 when Asteroid 2003 QQ47 was first discovered scientists projected that this giant doomsday asteroid would strike the earth with the force of 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs. There was plenty of talk about this asteroid back then.

asteroid_zoom%5B1%5D.jpg - Giant asteroid could hit Earth in 2014 - Sep. 2, 2003

March 26, 2014, (March 21, 2014 the original date of impact) Asteroid 2003 QQ47 will be in our solar system’s orbit at about 49.9 million LD. What was the situation that had scientists believing this was a dangerous event, and then to change the warning sent out from a threat to a non-threat about this asteroid.

Shiko fotografinë 1831245

Asteroid 2003 QQ47's Potential Earth Impact in 2014 Ruled Out

NASA did some recalculation back in September 2003 ruling out impact on the earth of Asteroid 2003 QQ47 but its been 11 years since its discovery. And the wait is over.

melbrake | Just another site

Materiali anglisht nuk thote qe asterioidi i 2003 do te perplaset me Token Ylli thote thjesht qe ne 26 mars dhe jo ne 21 mars do kete orbiten e saj levizese ne sistemin tone diellor. Perrallat me mbret i nxjerr vetem Telegrafi me rrit klikimet dhe me frikesu injorantet.
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Sapo diskutova me nje katunar ne rrashbull, thote qe bunkerin e jep 200 euro me qera per 24h, ylli daten egzakte t'lutmi se 400 euro per 2 dit skena...
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

No, Asteroid 2003 QQ47 Is NOT Going to Hit the Earth Next Week


By Phil Plait


Well, it took three months, but we have our first notpocalypse of 2014!

Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are spreading a story that a large asteroid named 2003 QQ47 might impact the Earth next week, specifically on March 21, 2014.

Let me be very clear right away: Nope. It won’t. This story is totally wrong! Well, the asteroid does exist, but it won’t hit us next week, and in fact can’t hit the Earth for at least a century. The truth is the asteroid will safely pass us on March 26 of this year, never getting closer than 19 million kilometers (nearly 12 million miles)—about 50 times farther away than the Moon!

European Virtual Telescope tells me they will observe this March 26 pass of QQ47 and webcast the images live, so you can watch as this rock safely glides past Earth for yourself.)

I’m pretty sure what’s happening here is that a very old story has been recycled and is getting spread around without anyone doing any fact-checking. It’s all over Twitter and got picked up credulously by some bigger venues like the Daily Mail, which posted it with the typically understated title of “Asteroid hurtles toward Earth.” What follows after that is a breathless and almost entirely incorrect article about 2003 QQ47 that seems to simply rehash information from more than a decade ago. Seriously.*

For example, the Mail article says the asteroid is “newly discovered,” but in fact was first detected in 2003, 11 years ago! Hence its name, 2003 QQ47. It was found to be a near-Earth asteroid, or NEA, one that does sometimes get close to us. For a while after it was discovered it was thought to have a small chance of hitting Earth, with an impact probability in August 2014 of about 1 in 250,000. But by September 2003 new observations allowed a better trajectory to be calculated, and an impact in 2014 was ruled out. This happens quite often, where a new asteroid will have only a rough orbit calculated, and an impact has long but non-zero odds of hitting us. As more observations come in the chances of impact can actually increase briefly before dropping to zero.

This is what happened with QQ47 back in 2003. Got that? An impact in 2014, this year, was shown to be out of the question more than a decade ago and was even taken off JPL’s Sentry Risk page at that time, when it was found to have no potential Earth impacts for at least 100 years. We’re quite safe from this particular asteroid.
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

po per shqipfolesit kush do mendoj....???

Losst ti merre me 26, une po e marr me qira me 27...perben problem?
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Monique, LoSsT...merreni me daten 26 Mars...sepse nuk e shtyej dot daten per 27....cfare te bejme...une do fus koken ne dhe si makushi hahhahhahaha
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Asnje problem, i thone te shpetosh koken edhe per te pakten 2 dite, seshte gje e vogel...
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

po per shqipfolesit kush do mendoj....???

Losst ti merre me 26, une po e marr me qira me 27...perben problem?

Le te mesojne vone ua perkthej, por meqe data eshte neser...nese mbijetojme e keni perkthim ketu ne FV
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Le te mesojne vone ua perkthej, por meqe data eshte neser...nese mbijetojme e keni perkthim ketu ne FV

a konfuzove fare a me 21 a me 26?

si shpjegohet qe ngjarjet me te medha dhe me te keqija ndodhin per date 21?

me siguri do kete dore shejtani ktu
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

Do te perplaset ne mars jo ne toke o njerez :)

Marla sic e lam per 21-shin e ;) aty ke veni qenit lol
Titulli: Asteroidi me fuqi prej 20 bombash atomike, godet Tokën më 21 mars!?

A po vjen???? :nxef:

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