Te bardhet perbejne perqindjen me te madhe te popullsise Amerikane, dhe ky eshte nje fakt. Komunitetin me i madh Arab ne Amerike e kam nja dy-tre ore larg, nuk eshte ndonje gje kushedi se cfare.
Edhe nqs teoria jote qendron, me te vertete mendon se Arabet do te votonin per nje zezak? Atehere nuk e di se sa mire i njihke Arabet.
Interesante! Por problemi eshte se ti nuk je mir e informuar!
Po te sjell nje artikull te gazetes Canada Free Press, ne te cilin thuhet qe % e arabeve te lindjes se mesme eshte rreth 6-7 milion ne USA dhe se mund te votojne rreth 1 milion arabe si musluman ashtu edhe ata kristian, te cilet kane per te votuar me siguri per Obamen dhe jo per McCain, pasi te votosh per McCain do te thote te votosh kunder perhapjes se Jihadit ne Amerik!!
Pra politika e jashteme e obames kundrejt shteteve arabe do te jete me tolerante, sesa politika e Mccain i cili do te vazhdonte ne rrjedhen e Bushit!!
Ata qe do te votojne per McCain ne fakt jane nje perqindje te Arabeve qe jane kundershtare te rregjimeve te vendeve nga e kane origjinen si psh: Lebanese-Americans, Egyptian Copts (qe jane te krishtere te persekutuar ne egjipt), Irakenet kristian si psh. te komnitetit Chaldean, Assyrian, Sudanezet e jugut qe jane kristian.
Pra me pak fjale shumica e arabeve musluman amerikane kane per te votuar per Obamen, dhe shumica e arabeve kristian bashke me nje % te vogel te te arabo-muslumaneve do votoje per McCain!
Plus kesaj te kujtoj se i jati i Obames ishte afrikan musluman dhe emri i obames eshte muslman dhe jo katolik: Barak Husein Obama, gjithashtu edhe njerku i tij (
Lolo Soetoro burri i dyte i te jemes) ishte indonezian musluman!! Obama ka jetuar femijerine e tij ne Indonezi ku dhe ka ndjekur nje shkolle muslumane.
Thuhet se Obama eshte kthyer ne katolik vetem 20 vjet me pare, por çuditerisht lapsusi qe ka bere ne TV ne lidhje me FENE E TIJ MUSLUMANE nuk mund te jene thjesht lapsus:
[ame="http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=XKi0vSYHfq4&feature=related"]YouTube - Barack Obama talks "My Muslim faith" on TV.[/ame]
The Middle-East American Vote – Who is for Whom?
The Middle-East American Vote – Who is for Whom?
"the majority of Arab Muslims will probably vote for Sen. Barack Obama, whereas an “overwhelming majority” of Middle Eastern Christians – including a minority of Muslim reformers – will cast votes for Sen. John McCain (arguing – according to Mideast and South Asian Americans For McCain on Saturday—
that a vote for McCain is “a vote against the proliferation of Jihad in America”)....
DR. WALID PHARES: There are approximately six-million or seven-million Americans of Middle Eastern descent. These numbers include large communities of Arabs, Iranians, Turks, as well as Lebanese, Copts, Assyrian-Chaldeans from Iraq and others. The possible voting bloc might realistically be around one-million which is an important number in this election.
....First, Lebanese-Americans – a majority group of all Middle Eastern Americans as a single group of 1.8 million – will cast most of their votes for McCain. They will do so because of the Hezbollah threat in Lebanon and Obama’s projected policy of cutting a deal with Iran, Hezbollah’s backer.
Secondly, Egyptian Copts – Christians – will primarily vote McCain because they fear a similar deal between an Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt...
So, in the final assessment – and against projections by the mainstream media – while a majority of Arab Muslim Americans will vote for Obama, an overwhelming majority of Middle East Christian Americans plus a strong minority among Arab Muslim Americans will vote for McCain.