Shfletimi si vizitorë është i kufizuar

Thithkat e Meshkujve

Ska naj tkeqe se i shkulim po qe se dalin por meqe skena i harrojm qe duhet me i heq.

Ske se e ke gjenetike apo qe rri me piskatore all time?
Gjenetikisht I had very little ….then I lasered them all .

You like hair ?
Nuk esht i demshem ky laseri se mund te demtoje dermen e lekures?

Floket ne kok po
It’s completely safe for as long as you don’t have any medical or hormonal prb and you fit in with the requirements… and it’s also FDA approved .

It’s completely safe for as long as you don’t have any medical or hormonal prb and you fit in with the requirements… and it’s also FDA approved .

Shum mir

Shyqyr befsh . Medemek te rreshqet fasoleta pa zan ne asnji cep?
Qosheve te rri se tvjen e keqja nga se PRET 🤣🤣

Ika bofshit noten e mire t gjith 🤗
Kalofshit kendshem ne vazhdim

Te dali k’tu ne shesh dhe te luftoje mo ..oj ky .😆

Gjume te embel G … naten e mire .🤗

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